The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

I’m gonna go full Republican.

Where’s my check for not having a kid?


Guess you shouldn’t have had that abortion.


Go adopt one. See how far that money gets you.

Yeah. Got 10% of last stimulus checks and have no kids under 17

I need that hot tub come the fuck on


We haven’t received any of the last stimulus check, because apparently the IRS hasn’t processed our 2019 return yet. Good thing we don’t need it, but WTF for all the people who do need it and find themselves in this situation…

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Call me daddy


I didn’t know the undead could age.


That just makes room for the next hoop to be put in place.

You can’t participate in their nonsense, it doesn’t end. Their objections will always be limitless.

Not having a kid is a cheque that keeps on paying.


Pretty comfortable with my knowledge of satire. That is not satire in anything but self description only. But I am done with this nonsense of people posting fakes of people pretending to be crazy but much less crazy than the actual crazy people we have been subjected to for years and then negatively pointing and yelling satire at people who call it out.

I just assume those of you touting this as great satire really ingested only the minimum amount of reality over the last five years.

If the attempt is wholly indistinguishable from a mediocre version of reality, it is not succesful satire.

But enjoy your belly laughs. :roll_eyes:

No idea. I did ask him.

Not sure I understand his stance on law and order if a president skates on criminal charges from the only entity allowed to charge and convict him because his term ended.

Without reviewing the constitution, impeachment is for crimes committed while the president is in office. Doubt there is anything about the actual trial having to be completed before they leave office.

Of course Ron is dumb, so who knows what back of menu description of the constitution informed him on this.

It’s a good policy that will help people in need.

Just moderately annoyed is all.

Nevermind, looking at the specifics this is what Bruneig was warning about on his podcast. It’s a tax credit that’s then credited out on a monthly basis, which better than giving one lump sum. Making it fully refundable is good too, but it’s still a paperwork nightmare.

First, you have to file a tax return in the first place. Which if you’re poor you’re less likely to do

Then to get the monthly payment you have to estimate your yearly income

Then if your income changes you need to report that change or else you have to make up the difference at the end of the year.

And with all of that, they’re only going to do it for one year.

It’s going to fail. The IRS would have to set all this up just to take it right back down next year.

Bruneig’s plan is much better and easier, just send a check to each child’s household every month, regardless of income which means little to no paperwork

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Biden’s speech right now is really good and he’s doing a bunch of shit that won’t get any coverage but really matters to real people.


So much for giving people things as the political cheat code.

Ignorant question for those familiar with Senate rules of order: Regarding the impeachment trial: It’s privileged so Senate has to take it up before all other business, correct? That said, assuming Schumer can overcome the current 50/50 committee blockage, wouldn’t his optimal play be at send the impeachment trial to an ad hoc committee? Call it “Trial Preparation” “Deposition”? It’s not like Trump is gonna benefit from having more trial prep time, and it occurs to me that this would allow for the media to keep a slow drip going in the news as new information is revealed about the insurrection events and perpetrators. In the meantime, Biden gets a cabinet and some sort of LOLegislation brought to the floor. All caveats regarding nuking filibuster still being in effect of course. The above tactic seems like Mitch 101. Maybe we should try it.

unanimity too high of a vocabulary word for us americans

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that and anything now will all be forgotten about if anyone is even paying attention now by re-election

except the checks, and they better be 2k.

How did this get in here???


Nothing, it’s been done before: History Shows the Senate Can Hold an Impeachment Trial After Trump Leaves Office

The second precedent is even more analogous to Trump’s situation. In 1861, West Humphreys left his federal judgeship to join the confederacy as a judge. A year later, the House impeached him, and the Senate convicted, removed, and disqualified him from holding any federal office again. If one merely looks at presidential impeachments as a guide in answering the question whether Trump may be tried after leaving office, this precedent will be among those overlooked. No serious impeachment scholar has ever contested Humphreys’ impeachment or conviction though he had abandoned his office a year before his impeachment, conviction, removal, and disqualification.