The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK


Pelosi sending impeachment to Senate on Monday.

I went to heart that myself… :nerd_face:

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Stupid question: Why wasn’t it sent the day of?

It was voted on and passed. What are the steps between that and sending it over?

Two days in and we are at 110% obstructionism bu the republicans.


Dems have to get better at saying “Sit down and shut up”.


Probably so Mitch couldn’t run the show. He was still Senate Majority Leader until the 20th.

The Dems could just tell Johnson, ok, let’s confirm our national security team first. Trump isn’t going anywhere. I mean, it’s not that fucking complicated.

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The Republicans actions are inappropriate and they are not appropriate.

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Unacceptable and won’t be accepted…

Yeah Schumer is definitely a shit speaker. Kind of surprised their back bone held up here. Is this just for optics or do they actually think they can pull off nuking the filibuster?

This makes me hopeful. We aren’t allowed to have hope anymore.

Threat of nuking the filibuster will be used to tell Rs they better not just filibuster everything but threat of filibuster will still be used to get Ds to water down their bills. How it will all play out depends on what Joe Manchin and Diane Feinstein think is “fair.”

In this case, Manchin/Feinstein probably were easily convinced that just duplicating the 2001 agreement was “fair.”

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This seems like a REALLY good idea.


This post makes it seem like you don’t know what satire is.

Matt Bruneig is racking up the policy points

To replace this mess, I argue that we should have the Social Security Administration simply send out $374 every month to every child in the country. The $374 figure is chosen because, under the federal poverty guidelines, this is the amount it would take to ensure that no family ever slips into poverty solely because they added a child to their family.

The lack of a benefit phase-in will ensure that all poor families (and rich families) are eligible for the program. The lack of a benefit phase-out will ensure that poor people do not wind up excluded from the program by the paperwork burden that means-testing always comes with and ensure that all families benefit from income-smoothing when they have a child. These features of the program would make the program vastly more effective at reducing poverty and guarantee that all families with minor children benefit in a tangible way that they can see in their bank account every 30 days.


When the government provided two series of checks to nearly every family in the country last year, the typical family of four received $5,800 in direct cash assistance from the government. These checks were wildly popular, so much so that even the great majority of Republican voters tell pollsters that they want to see more of them.

Democrats should learn the lesson of this success: clear and simple programs that provide salient benefits to everyone are both effective and politically beneficial.

What to do about our child benefit regime is likely to be a topic of much interest to politicians over the next two years. Democrats have already shown an interest in reforming the system, but so far have ignored the wisdom revealed by the stimulus checks and gravitated towards doubling down on these failed tax credit programs.

If something is worth doing, it is worth doing right, and the objectively superior way to organize child benefits is through a universal check paid out monthly to every family.


wtf is unconstitutional about this trial?

When Deplorable Republicans don’t like something they call it unconstitutional.



Uh wtf… are democrats actually trying to win now?