The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

I mean, can you imagine MSNBC and CNN that night if Trump did the same thing? We have a BREAKING NEWS ALERT…

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Again that’s because they have moved to HHS facilities. Yes they are nicer so this is a good small step but these stats are misleading when the HHS facilities are at record highs.


Which have clearly plateaued and will likely fall next.

And that will be good and we can cheer that moment when we get there. It hasn’t happened yet though.


Maybe this was my circle of friends but I’ve heard people in Chicago use y’all a lot. A few people I know from different parts of the Chicago area (Rogers park, Logan square, dolton, bronzeville) use it. We probably have a lot of people in Chicago who’s family moved from the south so that could be it but I’m curious on whether you hear it often here

I’m from Chicago and nobody I know, in a wide circle of people uses y’all. Definitely not a thing, thank god.

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Hmm ok, it’s probably that a couple of people who I spend the most time with say it and that’s making me think it’s used more often than not (1 of them might actually have family in the south but I can’t remember right now but I’ll ask him). The majority of people I know who I don’t spend a lot of time with don’t say it otherwise

you just need to get Hanx on board and make it happen. Hunter seems extremely available.

lmao. I heard the beat and everything, well done.


Because he refuses to use tactics? Or because Manchin is probably already close to defecting to the other side of the aisle? Here’s how I think Trump handles Manchin:

You know we need to get rid of the filibuster so we can raise the minimum wage for you guys, don’t you? You want a higher minimum wage, right? But for some reason Manchin (or fat chin Manchin as I like to call him) doesn’t want…have you seen the chin on that guy? You could park a BUS on that chin. He should rent it out…he could make a lot of money off that chin as a billboard…Someone would say hey Joe can I use your chin for a few days? Just a few days. What a chin on that guy. BUT HE DOESN’T want you to make more money! I can’t understand it. It makes no sense. Makes no sense. And we also want to introduce a much more robust infrastructure bill to get the people of West Virginia cleaner air, water, and thousands of good jobs paying jobs, but fat chin Manchin is against that too! He’s against it! Can you believe it? The people of West Virginia shouldn’t be voting for this guy. He doesn’t care about you. And on and on

Obviously Biden can’t do this. But he absolutely could at least put some pressure on him when it comes to things the majority of voters in Manchin’s own state want. Trump never cracked 50% favorability and he had every Republican lawmaker shaking in their boots. Democrats are a). Too corrupt themselves, and b). Too dumb to use effective strategies




Trump couldn’t even get Rs to pass another stimulus bill in the months before the election which was really popular, really needed and would have been great for Trump’s re-election campaign. Not even after Ginsburg died and he had a Supreme Court seat (the only thing Mitch cares about) as leverage. Overrating the effectiveness of acting like a foul mouthed toddler in actually swaying someone to your side on important stuff.

Regarding Manchin and Biden, Manchin really likes Biden personally and wants him to succeed. Leaning into that and getting the stuff you really need out of him has worked decently for Biden so far, and seems like a better strategy than calling him names and going to war with him.


I agree Trump was ineffective when it came to getting things done. But he was extremely effective at getting Republican lawmakers to fall in line.

I’m not suggesting Biden use Trump’s tactics of name calling. That would never work for him. But you have to admit he’s been pushed to the left a bit by the progressive caucus. Now he needs to push people like Manchin a little further to the left using populism. Manchin may as well be a Republican and Biden is Biden. Neither is gonna wake up tomorrow as a progressive. But populism works and we’re beginning to see progress. I don’t think we should let up, but push full steam ahead while the Republican party is an utter mess. It’s my opinion if Dems play this right and stop being so goddamn weak, we could own all 3 branches for the next decade

Also we are still expelling families, even ones with valid asylum claims, under trumps title 42 order that Biden won’t get rid of. He is working on making some exceptions in the order but nothing yet

And of course it wouldn’t be the US way without a few corporations profiting off of suffering

This is an article regarding the admin considering a more formal process to determine exemptions for the title 42 order



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Will the cat make the jump?


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Giuliani’s gone mad
Trump is a loser - SAD!
Bidens bringing troops home from Baghdad
Gaetz said fuckin 16 year olds is the best sex he’s ever had

Am I doing this right?



i’m pissed because hunter’s 95% not gonna do these kinds of rap battles but he really should because it’s not like he’s gonna lose his credibility i mean what is he worried about? just have fun