The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

Man, I bet the groundskeeper is pissed about getting called out like that.

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Seriously imagine thinking this kind of thing is supposed to be a ratings grabber. I didnā€™t watch the Trump ones either, but thatā€™s because it was incredibly tilting and anxiety inducing.

I mean it would be a very good thing if the president was a good orator who energized the base and made sure they voted in the midterm.

Trump was good at that. He constantly energized and pushed his base to vote in the midterms and they had record breaking turnout. Sure they lost but their turnout was massive. He did it again in the 2020 election. We need a leader who does that. Make people understand how important the midterms are and that people need to turnout.

Instead they sell this illusion of bipartisanship so your average uninformed voter doesnā€™t realize how dire the midterms are and voting democrat is.

Republicans are like you need to vote for us or black people will tear down your suburbs, they will take your guns, it will be socialism, and they get huge turnout. Dems are like weā€™re actually friends and working on bipartisanship.


I donā€™t know that anything in my life has been as consistently enraging as Trump pressers. God those ā€œreporters.ā€ Unimaginably terrible.

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This is your brain on a steady diet of war criminal David Frum, open racist Rick Wilson, sweatshop and genocide defender Moleman Yglesias

Human filth designed to hoodwink supposedly smart individuals into thinking that the lower class is stupider and Joseph Biden is somehow good at government


got an interesting email survey. iā€™m sure they donā€™t really care about the results as they come back, but interesting that they are doing this outreach to their DNC marketing lists right now

Hopefully someone will correct my idiocy but from my mostly non-existent knowledge of most of these ā€œChoose from these 1-5ā€ surveys, theyā€™re really only interested in the 1s and 5s. The 2s, 3s and 4s are basically ignored as respondents who are basically considered as clueless/dgaf.

I turned it off after 5 minutes. MABA!


We had a work survey thing and we got a do over and all the managers told us that only 9s and 10s counted on a 10 point scale.

Heaven help the mangers whose groups didnā€™t score high enough. Of course one disgrunateled in a group of five can be the whole ball of wax. My poor buddy in molecular biology. Fermentation came up aces. :slight_smile:

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Re: an older discussion here

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Love him or hate him, Trump was a populist. He not only energized his base, but he used that energy to keep Republican politicians in line. Heā€™d be slamming Manchin, Sinima, and other far right Dems so hard theyā€™d be quaking in their boots kissing his ass out of fear at losing their seats. Biden doesnā€™t have that in him, but he could definitely be putting a lot more pressure on Manchin by appealing to West Virginia voters who overwhelming agree on things Manchin is against and blocking right now. Biden needs to make him the villain he is. But heā€™s just not gonna do that

I needed only one guess to nail the esteemed author of this sterling piece of journalism


Heā€™s moving them to a different cage:


Trump was very effective at using populist rhetoric to cover for his personal corruption, which Mitch & Co. were willing to overlook in exchange for judges and tax cuts. Was a complete failure at using populist rhetoric to actually get Mitch to pass popular stuff that would help Trump get re-elected.

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For the millionth time, Joe Biden has zero leverage over Joe Manchin.


Non-southerners trying to appropriate yā€™all is the most cringy thing ever.


congratulations, getting exactly this grouping of likes and only those likes on a post is an elite achievement