The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

coal industry needs an offramp. we need to guarantee pensions to all 30k people working in it who are not likely to reenter the workforce, and let them retire. and there should be government money to start small industries in the towns. something in carbon offsets space would be great. planting trees around closing mines is probably where we should be heading.

companies need to be taken over for pennies on the dollar through eminent domain if necessary. and if some billionaire fund complains about the price per share, they need to be reminded that WHEN government turns off the subsidies, the stock would crash by 90% in like 30 minutes on monday morning. so take it, or leave it.

The infrastructure for this is even already there.

They’d just need to turn this into a government agency


Coal miners do get (relatively) too much attention though. There’s like 50k coal miners in America and 3 million retail workers. Coal is fucked but there is a much bigger labour issue looming for retails workers.


maybe retail workers can learn to mine


The Bitcoin mining jobs have been taken by the computers already


It’s just because they fit the fantasy of hard working white men for the republican party and they say Dems are killing their jobs.


The bitcoin coders should learn to cashier.

Soon that might not be an option…

Canada banned menthol a few years back. Also every package has the same “bland” look now.

I wonder how high the demand is for menthols in the Canadian cigarette smuggling racket.

Fun fact: pro wrestler Dino Bravo’s murder in the 1990s was believed to be related to his involvement in cigarette smuggling.

I imagine maybe to get stuff up north, but in normal times it’s easy enough to cross the border and get a box for much, much cheaper than they are in Canada

Google tells me that Canadian cigarette smuggling is a billion-dollar industry and that it’s possible over 25% of cigarettes smoked in Canada are illegal. I would be curious about how COVID lockdowns have affected the black market.

A pack of cigarettes is $15 in NYC, seems fine!

They range from $17-25 Canadian in Manitoba, I know Qbc is a bit cheaper not sure about elsewhere.


The court isn’t invited because Biden is going to destroy them via expansion

Nvm they’re here. Wow Biden is gonna blast them to their faces, what a hero

Nothing but respect for MY president!

Gavel that shit. Big Man in the house

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Oh my god I’m so glad this sort of thing is boring PBS shit again.