The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

So Joe Manchin believes that:

  • The purpose of our democracy is for the people
  • The filibuster is what’s maintaining that purpose
  • There is a chance the GOP won’t delete the filibuster in the future if it suits them

Fucking hell man WAAF


He sees the world differently than we do, although I guess the optimistic view would be to take this as a positive that he will nuke the filibuster once reality becomes apparent.

They also came while Republicans were desperately trying to retain control of the Senate. Now in the minority, the GOP could well revert to a mode of obstruction, to try to deny Democrats and Biden successes, in hopes voters would punish the incumbent party at the midterms.

When I asked about that possibility, Manchin responded, “That is so wrong.” He acknowledges McConnell’s infamous 2010 comment that his top priority was making Obama a one-term president, but says, “I don’t think that can be repeated, or that people would stand for it, or even that the Republican caucus would adhere to that again.”

They don’t have to. It’s already been done.

Congressional Republicans do exactly two things:

  1. Tax cuts
  2. Stack the judiciary

#2 is the most important for them. That way they can offload a lot of the “legislating” to the federal judges with lifetime appointments.

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Is it really a lie if it feels like it should be true?

Been saying this for awhile. People don’t want to face it because the outcome is so terrible, but we aren’t getting HR1.

Our one chance would have been trying to push HR1 first and hang the infrastructure bill over Manchin. He gives us that, we give him everything he wants in WV. Instead we’re going to give him everything he wants up front and he isn’t going to give us HR1

Biden administration expected to announce plan to ban menthol cigarettes

Why menthols? (I know nothing about cigs and am out of WaPo free reads)

First they came for the burgers, and I said nothing.


Quote from the article

On menthol, African American health groups and researchers say it is clear that Blacks have been disproportionately hurt by the cigarettes, which studies show are more addictive and harder to stop using than non-menthol cigarettes. In the 1950s, only about 10 percent of Black smokers used menthol cigarettes. Today, that proportion is more than 85 percent, three times the rate for White smokers. African Americans die of tobacco-related illnesses, including cancer and heart disease, at higher rates than other groups, according to studies.

Will banning menthol cigarettes result in Democrats losing a few percentage points of the black vote due to people being pissed off about their favorite cigarettes being banned?

Even our tobacco policies are racist.

No, that is not a joke.


Just ban black people from buying menthols, why do I have to be roped into this?


You should quit smoking.

Banning (flavored) blunt wraps is a bold move towards marijuana legalization Joe.

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Yea rather than go after tobacco companies that have for decades been targeting menthol advertising to blacks and black neighborhoods, let’s just ban them altogether.

I’m no longer a smoker but I smoked and enjoyed menthols. The history of menthol cigarettes and the african american community is quite sad and disgusting. It has been a prolonged campaign by tobacco companies through several mediums specifically targeted at african americans (the younger the better).

Target tobacco companies and their advertising practices if you want to reduce smoking related illness and death. They’re just gonna find some new thing to market to minority communities.

"he’s basically saying to Americans, ‘I’m going to spend rich people’s money on your needs,’” said Mitchell Moss, a New York University urban policy professor who has studied the intersection of public spending and politics for a half century.

“That message is intended for Trump voters just as much as it is intended for Biden voters,” Mr. Moss added. “Trump’s idea of picking a fight was to yell at somebody. Biden is killing everybody with warmth, and money.”

Sounds good!


If Biden pulls this off and the end result is semi decent I don’t want to hear any bitching about how it would have been better with X. At this point in my personal political experience I genuinely dgaf how we win only that we actually win. I’m extremely tired of losing so goddamn always.

EDIT: And yes I would consider the childcare tax credit, hugely subsidized childcare, free community college, and an absolutely massive climate change infrastructure package winning. Triple points for making the rich people pay for it if he manages to get that. We do all that we’re in real danger of being so popular the GOP can’t physically rig an election anywhere. They’re at real risk of getting blown the fuck out in 50 out of 50 states. This would help so many people so quickly it boggles the fucking mind.

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I call BS. Good pine 2x4s are going for more than their weight in fentanyl

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