The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

Literally no one is saying Joe is 0.0% better than Trump. Just another disgusting post needlessly taking a completely misguided and dishonest shot at the “far left”. Be better.


What has helped me is focusing on a much more micro level. Finding happiness and contentment in the world as a whole or US politics is a fools errand. Enjoy the time you have with family and friends, or doing what you love to do. Of course I am not arguing for apathy and we should all use our voice to do what we can. But realistically none of us can change the horrible reality we live in so I think spending all our time being angry about that isn’t super healthy. I know I have been and still am super guilty of that.

TBF my wife and I have a 2-3 year plan to ex-pat so I hear you.


Watevs and Victoar. That’s two. Probably the triangle eye guy, too.

But keep telling me how I’m being dishonest and disgusting through your spittle.

Let’s see some cites. Also there is no spittle your takes are just consistent garbage troll attempts meant to poke what you perceive to be the “far left”. Frankly this would be a better place without that. What was your old screenname again?


You back up your lie with a lie. At least you are consistent. Interesting how you didn’t respond to my post offering to apologize if you could actually back up your claim. I mean I realize it’s because you can’t back it up with actual evidence since none exists. But it’s interesting you don’t have the good faith to admit it.

I think exactly one person here is a bad person. It isnt you. I just think you are a tiresome troll many times who doesn’t bother backing up your claims. You expect people to simply agree with them because they happen to align with preexisting biases. Too many people do just that.

Agree. That is why I try to post articles or data to back me up whenever I can.

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Yep you are totally not a tiresome troll!

Those are just my posts today on the topic of NEVER saying anything bad about dems or Biden.

Since you are empirically wrong, as shown in this very thread today, and I know you are not an idiot the only possible conclusion left is dishonesty. Anyway, keep on trolling. You must get some weird joy out of it.

For the record you are simply moving the goal posts as you know you are wrong. Again, because I know you are not an idiot I know you know the point we were debating was if Biden had moved left on any policy not that he was a progressive hero. Your trolling game is pretty weak.

Ok I will admit I was mistaken. You are an idiot.

OMFG you two. Put each other on ignore FFS.


It’s not an insult to say you are not an honest participant in the debate. I literally proved it. You never are. We were having a really interesting debate until you and watevs did what you do every time. Come in a troll it up in an effort to derail any real discussion.

Funny how you are “forgetting” your deleted post where you both hearted and agreed with watevs and made a bunch of insults of me then rightfully deleted it. In said post you lied about me having claimed progressives didn’t care about the border. You deleted it and changed it to “why bother” but not without hearting watevs post.

I don’t want anyone to kiss my ass. I love honest debate. Today’s discussion was great. So much so another poster commented how great it was until guess who showed up, you and watevs.

I honestly feel bad derailing like this but I’m not willing to let you trolls win anymore. I am not going anywhere and I have no intention of laying off you. Watevs has an excuse as he clearly has real issues. You are just a boring troll.

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Again saying you are not an honest participant in debate isn’t an insult. It’s fact. I proved it my post about how I never allow anything bad to said about dems.

I have a vendetta?

I said you were not an honest participant in the discussion. You then made a long post insulting me many times and lying. You rightfully deleted it. Then watevs made his post calling me all kinds of names which you happily hearted. Then you felt the need to make another post responding to gee claiming I was saying people were bad for critiquing Biden. An obvious lie and you knew it.

All of this and I had yet to made another post beyond my claim you were not an honest participant in the debate. I even offered to retract that claim if you would back up your argument with evidence. You refused to do so and in the same post claimed I refuse to let anyone say anything bad about dems on the same day I had made several severely critical posts of dems and Biden.

That’s quite a vendetta on my part!

Yea this. Stop AIDSing the thread FFS.


Actually good at golf, another clear difference with the former occupant.

Remember when we had a common enemy? Trump losing is like the end of the Cold War.


Anger is well understood to be addictive. There is sadly a dynamic probably happening where years of being outraged at Donnie Dumb Dumb has conditioned us to reactively be outraged.