The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

I honestly feel bad for you. I hope whatever awful thing that happened to make you like this is resolved and you get some comfort.

Tell me you really do believe, with no trolling intention, that nothing in the stimulus or infrastructure bill is a shift to the left for Biden and Iā€™ll apologize and retract my comment.

You will have to provide actual evidence of that position though.

Amy Goodman signed off. Thatā€™s good enough for me.

Just one example from the infrastructure bill. There are others (e.g., childcare). We have covered the many from the stimulus.

Iā€™m not interested in relitigating the stimulus. Both these statements are in fact true.

  1. Bidenā€™s wimping out on minimum wage is despicable


  1. there was a ton of very progressive policy in the stimulus bill.

Since I am trying to be less of an asshole I will just say I think this is mostly naive.

Sadly true. One reason I an very skeptical of the ā€œshut up and be patient takesā€.

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I know I have already insinuated it today but I think we agree on more than we think. Thatā€™s pretty much my take on it.

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Totally agree.

Also agree with this. The current trajectory of 2021-2023 or if we are lucky 2023-2025. This isnā€™t going to get it done. Itā€™s a big reason I am angry the next steps on the chess board from the opponent are insanely bad

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Thatā€™s a different discussion but on that we are in lock step. There is something perverse about these discussion in light of the current GOP which is why itā€™s fair when people keep bringing up HR1 as the only bill that matters.

There is a legitimate concern that a small leftward shift will be worse in the long run if it acts as a pacifying drug, quelling any sense of urgency to do real systemic change. The Biden administration needs to be more than just the caretaker government of a dying regime.


This goes back to my earlier point today. Itā€™s Biden. He was never going to revolutionize government. If that is your standard you should just give up.

Its not an option, especially when you have literal skin in the game.



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I donā€™t believe we can push Biden that far, but we can try to encourage people to not get complacent because Biden is not Trump. We need the steady drumbeat of people who say that Biden isnā€™t good enough.


Juxtaposed with the shrill cry of people, greater in number (at least here; not ā€œout thereā€), who say he should be strung up by his toes. The very smart and assured monolithic voice saying he is no different than Trump; perhaps worse since duplicitous. I suppose I was charitable regarding the far leftā€™s view: Trump obviously deserves worse than hanging, and so too must Joe.

Iā€™m going to work my butt off in 2022 but I do feel itā€™s over and completely hopeless even knowing how insanely bad things are going to be.

Weā€™re going to become a fascist insane country run by Qanon type insane nazi politicians.

Shit is going to be super, super bad and WAAF. That said Iā€™ll try because like you said not trying isnā€™t an option.

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Good luck brother, getting some funds together is not a bad idea moving forward, if you can get it.

As @JohnnyTruant said, do what youā€™re head can handle and try to get a nest egg and you never know what the future holds, it may seem like it, but its been as bad before and we got to here.

Politics always seems like its the worst and switching off sometimes is best.


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