The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

We did it guys! 20 years to the day since this war began. Afghanistan was once a ravaged and war torn hellhole, run by the Taliban, with a huge swelling of anti American sentiment, and numerous groups of heavily armed terrorists and now … And all it cost was $2,000,000,000,000 of your money and a few hundred thousand dead civilians.


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Can’t reject asylum seekers if they never make it to the border

It’ll trigger the fuck out of conservatives, that’s enough for me

Ehh I don’t think so, iirc both libs and conservatives polled pretty similarly when it came to Afghanistan

Always worth remembering given the tone of most stories, Iran, even now, is not actively trying to get a nuclear device. Admittedly this assessment is from some peacenik commies in the, er, US intelligence community.


Was that poll done when daddy trump was potus? That’ll change republic results quite a lot.

I mean I was down with withdrawing troops no matter what but I was worried about Trump doing it because legit everything he does is a disaster and there would probably have been some type of quid pro quo and he would have just done it in a super incompetent way and it would have long term negative effects.

This isn’t so much a partisan thing as it was a Trump thing.

Like I would have been happy he withdrew the troops, but I would have been worried.

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In case anyone is wondering, no, NYT/WaPo op-ed chuds did not learn a single thing from the past 20 years.

How quickly they forget!


Pretty funny that the Times faced a much bigger backlash publishing a Tom Cotton op-ed compared to a literal Taliban op-ed (they should have published both, obviously).

Also, Israel has been attacking Iranian shipping going to Syria. They’ve attacked like 12 Iranian freighters.

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And, in a nice touch, accused some of those ships of leaking oil all over the place. Why could that be?!


Why can’t we be neutral, sell weapons to both sides, and let them fight it out directly?

lmaooo holy shit Biden is really going to build the exact same border wall Trump wanted, amazing

If you guys don’t remember this Trump supporter with the butterfly farm was mad Trump was going to take his land for the wall and now Biden is continuing the mission


Don’t worry guys, the shitlibs are investigating and have determined that it is actually Republicans’ fault that Joe is doing this.


Joe Biden seems like a lock to build more miles of new wall than Trump. Is there a single campaign promise that hasn’t been walked back at this point?


Man the lefty news sources really want America to stay at war.

It’s plastered all over the front page of CNN’s website

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