The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

Im not convinced either. That’s an interesting point on strategy. The game is going to be so rigged Im not sure it ends up mattering, but hadnt thought of that.


It doesn’t need to include Flint, Obama went over there to show everyone the water is okay by drinking it and as far as I can tell Obama is still doing well!

Lol this is only eye-popping to washington insiders who buy their own pro business bullshit. People who aren’t politicians or lobbyists fucking hate corporations. The more times you have to interact in with a corporation in a day (including going into work for one) the worse that day is.


Every bill that gets debated in the Senate should be taken up with an eye towards messaging for the midterms. It’s probably more important to build electoral gains than to actually help people (although actually helping people can be used to build electoral gains).

I’ll build roads for yooouuu!
So the bridges will not fall
I’ll build roads for yoooouuu!
High speed broadband for all
I’ll build roads for yooouuu!
And build mass transit toooooooooo

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He only pretended to drink it IIRC.

It’s “good” in that it’s quite easy and cheap to get within a few blocks of anywhere you might want to go in the city, for the most part. I can’t think of a single comparable system in the US, except maybe the T in Boston but that doesn’t service nearly as big an area iirc. Maybe Atlanta’s train system is better than I know, I’m not that familiar with it. Seems like most cities have trains that will get you kind of sort of near where you need to go but will probably have variable pricing or some other complicating factors.

He wet his lips as part of a photo op that pissed off most of the black populace of the city

Legit curious why high speed rail is not part of this.

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Also wtf about not raising cap gains.


This is supposed to be in part 2 of the plan as i understand it. Part one funded by corporate increases and focused on infrastructure. Part two focused on care initiatives and funded by high earners.

Plus was it ever believed that the water was super poisonous or that more that it causes serious issues over a period of time?

Yeah, that’s what Uber is for.

I don’t really count that as public transportation, but I could imagine someone counting it.

jesus, when did PBS go full derposhpere? Seriously, these questions. Who the fuck cares about GOP criticisms?

Not sure what Amtrak means here by “enhanced service” but that might be a precursor to HSR? I haven’t had a chance to delve into the details

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It’s so weird to me why we ended passenger rail to all these small towns…think how much better off we’d be if the rurals had access via train to cities and vice versa. I mean, you go to Europe and tiny towns in the mountains have at least one train per day running to them.

The tracks are there; freight trains run through these towns every day.


PBS lobbed a pass up to Pete for him to dunk. He destroys GOP talking points.

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Enhanced service means improving existing lines to accommodate higher speeds, I think up to 110 mph. The majority of what’s on that chart hasn’t been put in yet, but some has.