The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

Sure would be fucking embarrassing if we invented the goddamn internet and it took us 60 fucking years to finally catch up to eastern European speeds and pricing.


I’ll wait on details but this will almost certainly end up being a massive giveaway to some of the biggest most awful corporations on earth

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it was high speed enough for pop-pop!

Messaging 101. This course focuses on how to create and disseminate a message that is congruent with the people who’s interests you advance and protect.

US Chamber of Commerce(today):

Sec. of Transportation Pete(a few days ago):


So I suppose food stamps should be paid for by the poor.

And massive corporate subsidies should be paid for by those corporations.

Shit logic is shit logic.

Does this include the Flint water supply or would that endanger the GOP genocide project targeting minorities that they’re so proud of?


They’ll probably give Coca Cola millions of dollars to ship bottles to Michigan.

That messaging definitely sounds professionally crafted. Reminds me of the audio here: (just an example of professionally crafting a message - or attempting to do so)

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10 cents at a time


Made good money as a kid when that went into effect. Looked in every trash bin in town. Easy few bucks a week for an 11 year old. A little gross but hey. Later I learned sometimes you’d find girly mags…


So they’re focusing on infrastructure first? They need to pass voting rights asap so it can be implements before 2022 wtf are they doing/

And I assume it will take a long time to try and pass it through talking filibusters and shit.

They need to do that first wtf. Now is the time too with the disgusting Georgia laws in the news

Should we invest in flag making companies?

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There is no path to doing HR1 yet. There isn’t consensus support yet for even requiring a talking filibuster. They think infrastructure is likely to pass in some form and it is fairly clean to do with 50, so they are doing that first. If Republicans obstruct it is more evidence to push for filibuster reform with. HR1 is a pretty big long shot to pass this Congress, so not surprised to see them go to surer things first.


Grunching a few hundred posts but I wonder if Clovis and people in general who live outside the US are unaware of how bad our public transit is here, since it’s at least passable most places. Outside of a few major cities it’s basically non-existent unless you want to transfer busses three times to get anywhere.

I don’t think people realize how big and spread out things are here either.

No way, letting someone else drive for me while I dick around on my phone is the tits.

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I’ve been to 46 of the states. :grin:

How was your public transportation experience outside of NYC, DC, or Chicago?

Your standards are low if you consider public transport in NYC good


I’m not convinced they can pass HR1 through the Senate. It might be better to force Republicans to obstruct it closer to the midterms so it can be a more recent thing in people’s minds to make it a more effective talking point in campaigning.

Infrastructure day/week/month/year!

livestream in the article

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