The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

It probably isn’t, but only because the dem just aren’t going to get counted or allowed to occur. This is just a fail safe for a highly unlikely outcome. The conclusion is 100 percent correct. Barring HR-1 Georgia is unwinnable in 2024.

I too will not be deterred by the frequent accusations of being too rich, too handsome, or having too big of a cock. I stand in solidarity with all such persons.


I believe if you tax the rich less they will use that money to invest and create new jobs and higher wages. This will allow the working class to pay for new roads.


Yeah, an older gentleman I used to play chess with (at the time he seemed old lol) used to get furious with me whenever I showed up on my bicycle at the chess club or square we used to play at not wearing a helmet. He suffered a severe broken leg getting hit while riding a bike. My bike trip consisted of two blocks, going a few mph on very much not busy streets but no matter, he said all it takes is one wrong move. He actually gave me an old helmet of his and said if I show up not wearing it he wasn’t going to play or talk to me. Tough fatherly figure love.


For the record, I didn’t take offence from sklansky’s post. My mom is one the people who taught me critical thinking. She was a college professor until she retired a few years ago.

Also, looks like there is some hope in a possible surgery. Waiting to hear.


Imagine spending your own money and thousands of your own hours to make this site and community and then letting David fucking Sklansky post here. l-m-a-o.


I like this place. It’s my favorite place to post.


+1 i mean srsly wat

People get mad about things here because they’re passionate about the place and the topics getting discussed. The moderation and related drama seems to have died down but my thought was, the drama is not ideal but it’s a good sign. Much better than if people said LOL WHO CARE.


I think the people struggling with this new place have too big of ego’s and can’t handle other disagreeing with them. Yes even many of my lefties.

Although yes, the personal attacks should slow down, they don’t bother me but it’s obvious they bother others.

I mean hell we all posted on 2+2, that place was way worse.

This recent debate was a good debate. Everyone always agreeing with each other all the time is boring anyways.



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Totally agree. My only wish would be the following two things.

  1. attack the idea not the person. A persons nationality or job almost never have any bearing on a discussion. It’s lazy and against progressive ethics to attack these traits instead of the idea being discussed.

  2. ask yourself if you ever post about having your mind changed on a topic. If not, why? There are people here far smarter than us on various topics. If we are not regularly having our minds changed we are almost certainly not debating in good faith.



Hope moms recovers soon buddy.


Oh, look at the Canadian wishing people were more polite. How typical…


@MrWookie called this two months ago:

I just want to make sure that you and others who feel that way know that I want there to be no billionaires, no guns, no confederate public statues, no good people who must live somewhere because of the randomness of birth place, no one who should worry about medical bills food or shelter not caused by major irresponsibility, and several other leftist concepts I have advocated in my writings. I am also the reason that bruce z left 2+2. Not saying there aren’t other reasons to disapprove of me posting. But if you do, don’t let it be due to inaccurate information.


Not liking this place is NBD, most people post about politics despite finding it unpleasant.


The issue with 1 is that a lot of our disagreements are not really over ideas but over values, and values are a deeply personal thing. This gets to #2 as well. I don’t expect people to change their minds very much here, even in light of expertise. Most of the passionate disagreements are over differing values, and values don’t change often or because an expert has different ones.


Bruce left because of being de-modded, and IIRC, David knew that would happen when he de-modded him.

Let’s assume this is correct, I still see no value in attacks on nationality.