The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

The left are unhappy because the conservatives can no longer hide their racist anti-immigrant views behind anti-Trump rants.

The conservatives are unhappy for the same reason.

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Nothing pulls this forum together better than shared hatred of a horrible David Sklansky post.


Why is taxing people preferable to continuing to borrow from the general fund every year? From a quick google search it seems like Congress just bails out the fund every so often, which is fine?

Deficit spending is more regressive than taxing the rich.

Iā€™m talking about the mileage tax here vs. borrowing from the general fund as I think the entire forum agrees on taxing the rich.

Deficit spending the entirety of a 4 trillion dollar infrastructure bill after deficit spending a 2 trillion dollar relief bill, after deficit spending another few trillion in the previous years relief billsā€¦ At some point x, deficit spending gets to be too much and causes systemic failures. Nobody knows what ā€˜xā€™ is, but thatā€™s gotta be pushing it.

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If we continue to deficit spend and itā€™s really going to cause systemic failuresā€¦ maybe then we can get the political will to actually tax the rich and shutdown all their tax avoidance schemes. Iā€™ll play that game of chicken w/ the rich.

I dunno, the 70ā€™s and 80ā€™s were much harder on the poor than the rich.

In the 70s and 80s you couldnā€™t 3D-print guillotines.


Also a major strain on the declining empire is the deterioration of shared institutions, as noted by @Riverman earlier the upper middle class is going to bail on supporting the government if they keep being asked to pay more while billionaires pay nothing. The engaged, skilled, professional class is probably the Dems most influential group of supporters and, sure, they are motivated by technocratic policy but this needs to be balanced with some sense of fairness. If that group becomes disenfranchised the Dems are dead.

COVID response tells the tale of climate change response. Will be limited prevention, attempts to mitigate by rich countries. Poor countries are perma fucked. Wearing masks during a pandemic is controversial in the US, think we are gonna have the stomach for personal carbon allocations and the end of the free reign of the personal automobile?


You are going to tax me to drive to the grocery store but were fine with Obama entering into the Trans Pacific partnershipā€¦ shipping my job to Asia and then effectively reducing the tax on my former employer regularly having the goods I would have produced transported halfway around the world? Plus all the other trade agreements Ds supported?

from Imgflip Meme Generator


My sincere apologies for getting so angry yesterday. I think itā€™s best if I avoid getting into serious political debates given my current headspace and circumstances.



Take it easy brother :v:



I can be not understand how it is not obvious that my post was meant to make clovis feel a little less bad


This is 100% going to happen.


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this is absolutely going to happen. the only thing that prevented it in 2020 is that you had individuals responsible for certifying and they actually cared about their reputations. Once itā€™s thrown to the mob of the legislature thereā€™s no single person who will get the blame, and none of these shitbags will have any hesitation whatsoever


I was talking to clovis. I tried to find something to say beyond the ordinary. When my father died the condolences that meant the most were words like ā€œI really liked himā€ or some other compliment. Not knowing clovisā€™s mother the closest I could get was to attribute his feistiness in the face of opposition to her.


Someone PMā€™d me to ask if it was really you and how you could possibly make such a bad post and I said that youā€™re not usually mean, so I took it as clueless and socially inept.