The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

Let’s just say I remain doubtful that it would be easy to use public transit in kazakhstan for things like traveling from suburbs to city centers.

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Corrected your post for accuracy.

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I’ve got great news for you. I think most Americans here would agree with that post too!

I don’t think that about you. Driving is ridiculously more convenient, especially if it’s a big grocery trip or an extremely hot day. I used to walk 3-4 times a week to get groceries, granted it was only 0.75 miles in North Carolina. So the thought is maybe just more normalized for me.

Also don’t think I would walk much farther than your example though and any trip longer would likely be on a bike.

America sucks at public transportation because we’ve had generations of white flight taking resources away from cities and into neighborhoods deliberately designed to be inhabitable only if you own a car. Plus there’s the auto industry making a car-centric lifestyle as an aspiration.


True. No argument here.

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I remember there was always a push to get the DC Metro to expand further out into the MD/VA suburbs and make everyone’s life easier but it always got shut down because everyone was afraid of “crime” coming into the suburbs.


Not that I expect mass transit opponents to change their minds in light of them, but have there been any decent scholarly studies on the subject of mass transit expansion’s effect on crime? I’d be curious if there has been any effect measured.



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Ted’s a shitprog!

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Products don’t exist only to make the owner money. Owners make money by selling products to people who want/need them (or think they do). My pants made Levi’s money, but they also make it so I’m not naked.



Change that to-

You: More public transportation is good. Tax the fuck out of all drivers.
Us: More public transportation IS good. But it doesn’t exist in many places. Implementing a new driving tax in 2021 without first building/expanding said public transportation network is just going to fuck over the working class in this country.


You either believe the money is real or you don’t, and I don’t just mean Bezos’ paper gains but all the money. And imo the fundamental problem isn’t which is correct, rather it’s people who insist on trying to believe both, or insist on trying to make others believe both is possible.

Like, ok, sure, Bezos doesn’t really have that much money, it’s not real, I can dig that. So he’d have less of a problem giving away that not real money, right? Or not, because it’d crash the price of the stock and maybe the entire economy? So we just need to handle this with some finesse and then the money is real? Ok, good talk.


Anyway to bring this back to Pete:

If the quote that annoyed us was the worst part, and that he really did talk about not fucking over poor people and actual good ideas in that conversation, then LOL media, but also LOL Pete. This is the big leagues now and many think he’s going to be around for over 3 decades. Words matter now. The phrase “mileage tax” should not be coming out of his mouth.


If your pants didn’t make Levi’s money, they wouldn’t care if you’re naked or not.


Most Americans not living in the biggest cities won’t take public anyway, unless it is suuuuper convenient. Cars are a fucking birthright to USians. If gas even costs more than milk they fucking freak out. Luckily we can tackle the climate crisis without asking americans to drive less.

If the pants do make Levi’s money, they don’t care if you’re naked or not. You could throw them in your fireplace for all they care. I’m not sure that matters to his point.

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Roads are for cars. Get your fucking bike out of the way. And it would be cool if you followed the rules of the road like stopping at stop signs!