The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

Again, why on earth do we want a tax that puts gas guzzlers on par with electric vehicles?

So increase the gas tax too.


Because gas taxes are, and are perceived to be, for roads. As more vehicles stop using gasoline, electric car owners will be perceived as getting roads maintained while not contributing anything. Other people wonā€™t like that. Support for taxes goes up when their rationale seems fair.

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Gas tax sucks. Miles tax sucks.

Riverman is correct.

Jeff Bezos made 11 figures during the pandemic. Elon Musk may have made 12. Tax those fuckers a lot more first, then talk to me about these other ones.


Looooool shoot it in my fucking veins

I would invoke jury nullification. Sometimes a crime is morally justified. I really donā€™t like these Sackler folks.

I heard some of them smoked marijuana.

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Sack up you Sacklers!


Did you vote Biden 2020 vs. Trump?

Were you planning to when he won the primary?

Iā€™m both a Bernie shitprog and a Biden voter and I would vote for him again in 2024 based on early results even though I am deeply deeply unhappy about some things that have happened.


Can you show me how the Democratic Party as a group supports this policy?

So thatā€™s a no then? Great, thanks.

What was Peteā€™s dadā€™s socioeconomic station in life?

Iā€™m on your side of almost everything but Pete hasnā€™t lived a day of real struggle in his life and it shows.

Eta-I looked it up. Peteā€™s parents were both well paid Notre Dame professors and I would hardly qualify his dadā€™s publications as socialist manifestos.


Taxes are a tool. They raise revenue and can shift incentives.

We should be using taxes on carbon/cars/etc to shift the incentive to away from driving cars, especially ICE cars and especially in metro areas.

I drive an EV. This would affect me directly. And you know what? Iā€™m ok with it, because as of right now, I AM paying less into the roads I drive on than others and it isnā€™t fair to them.


yes, using gas taxes to pay for it. except fewer gas cars = less gas tax = less infrastructure.

Performative bullshit vs. practical solutions to get stuff done. Keep whining.

Not that anyone actually listens to entire interviews, but IN CONTEXT, he said it would end up being a mixture of methods to fund things, and this is just one of the promising methods. But go on, itā€™s more about hating Pete anyway (not like the idea has been around for years, either, lol)


If the correlation is this strong then just tax rich people to drive down (ha!) driving and spend the money on green tech research. Done and done.

This isnā€™t directed at you but the past 8 hours of posts.

Pete runs transportation. He isnā€™t in control of income tax, wealth taxes, corporate taxes. He is in charge of transportation. His idea is perfectly logical for a transportation tax if the goal is reducing driving. Itā€™s also hardly a new idea.

This wasnā€™t a good bit of UP critical thinking. People just read the headline and went off half cocked about pete and wine cave taxes without putting in the basic work of even looking at the data or understanding what role he has in government.

Itā€™s classic hating an idea not because of the idea but because of who said it.

I mean progressives here were even saying gas taxes are bad! Itā€™s nuts. At least we know hating eDems is more important than climate change for some.


Oh yeah, Iā€™m just free associating with tax and policy ideas, not attacking Pete directly on this. People should certainly be fighting climate changes on numerous fronts, so thatā€™s great. But at the same time I also think itā€™s a typical eDem mistake to nibble around the edges of a problem so as to avoid upsetting rich people. Climate change is a massive problem that deserves a proportional response, and something like this idea from Peteā€™s team should be priority #146 in a Green New Deal.


Go back to sleep and keep dreaming about how bad the progressives are.
