The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

I just want to note people making 100k often sound the exact same to people in poverty about all the things they can’t afford and how tough they have it.


I really feel like she might just switch to being a Republican. I’m not sure how well that will work out for her in a primary. I still think two impeachment votes against Trump will doom anyone in a Primary. Look how much they hate Romney, he’s only safe because of who he is and Utah being a very special state.

shitlib and shitprog seem like fair game

lord knows there are PLENTY on both sides

shitprogs seem a bit more sensitive to it tho

The shitprog made me lol. Like they couldn’t think of anything new so they were just like NO U! lololol.

I don’t think we’ve called anyone here a shitlib tho. When we talk about shitlibs we’re talking about the politicians and the people working for them.

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I expect that’s a long shot to actually get in the bill once this gets watered down, but would be nice if it is actually something simple and with teeth.

Not so sure about that. Only time I’ve referred to the moderates on here I called them centrists and got big attacked over it saying I was an idiot and a liar lol.


lol I have never seen or heard anyone use shitprog, is this even a real thing outside of maybe a few internet boomers using it

Are shitprogs supposed to be Dream Theater fans?


That and property tax. (evasion aside, income is not simple if you’re not getting a check from an employer. I could easily be wrong by more than 10% on what I think my income is in any given year.)

I am a proud shitX because all I really do is dunk on trumpers on the internet but never like go protest or give $$ to people trying to change things. At least I started voting…


Of course unfunny boomer meme poster jman was the one to use it lmaoooo

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Yeah there are a few issues where the left has accidentally turned into a blind alley and won’t admit that what they originally did doesn’t really work all that well. Examples include income tax being the main source of revenue for the federal government (which is really just a clever way of making the middle class pay for damn near everything since they have enough to be worth taxing but not enough resources to actually resist taxation) and the ACA (despite it being a GOP healthcare proposal that does nothing at all about the cost issues that are the core problem).

Admitting when you’re wrong, reversing course, and doing something more effective is not common in politics… but the first political party to do it is going to dominate the next political era. I’m obviously way more hopeful that the Dems do it than the GOP, although Donald might put them in a spot where a full blown tear down and rebuild is required… and that might just get them there weirdly.

You’re not talking about the left. Ways out for rich people and serving insurance companies were features, not bugs.

I’m sorry but when the income tax got put in it was a VERY progressive measure. It’s the only way we got the level of services we have now. Prior to that the entire federal budget came from liquor taxes and tariffs.

Most progressives here will get into a tizzy about any tax that is ‘more regressive’ than income tax, even though income tax isn’t actually all that progressive.

Meanwhile I want a tax system that actually collects what it’s supposed to collect from the very wealthy and I don’t want that tax to be levied on anything that can be actually gamed. VAT does a good job of this.

Yes, and the ACA got people insurance. But both were careful not to upset the super rich too much or interests like the insurance companies. They didn’t accidentally do those things.


I think the VAT is a good idea and it’s weird that liberals hate it so much. The default for progressives in the USA should probably be, if it works in Scandanavia we should just do it.


Don’t look now but my suspicion is that the same people who got us the ACA without stepping on any toes also hate hate hate the VAT. I’ve seen the numbers on a VAT though and they are excellent. It’s spectacularly hard to avoid paying because every single step of the supply chain needs reports the previous step for the absolutely mandatory tax write off… and if you don’t that’s your problem and the VAT still gets paid. It also lowers the total number of taxpayers which makes enforcement significantly easier.


Some of you may enjoy this. I would never have thought there were a connection or need to say this, but no, it doesn’t mean there aren’t really innocent kids, families, and adults being held captive by the US govt.

Yep, there’s no assonance to shitprog. It’s a poor derivative.