The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

Wasn’t awval a pharmacist? He probably steals the turn ins and sells them on the dark web

I guess people should consider the repercussions of letting a couple aggro members run off mods who do things like excise derails. It’s a more involved task and not really part of core moderating, but people wanted to shit all over mods so we get to live with it.

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looked like his pants were caught on something on his shoe or something and he kept tripping on it until he fixed it.

Which mod was run off

They’re trying to call the cyber police because they hate being shown how ignorant they are

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I’m just annoyed because someone didn’t like my Disney land joke.


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All cops are bastards


I think the Trump strategy of finding the worst people in the world and giving them clearances in spite of borderline criminal shadiness should be regarded as an invitation to rewrite standard assumptions about the form and content of security clearances. Same thing with all the non-pot-smoking white supremacists and insurrectionists. New policy: some pot smoking is fine, but no white supremacists or russian moles.

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I’ll go on Fox and argue that it’s time to apply the 25th amendment and give the job to Harris.


How’s his Platinum Partnership with Trump working out, I wonder?


I could be wrong but I vaguely remember that the POTUS is the ultimate authority on handing out clearances so Biden can legally get away with denying access for dumbass reasons if he wants to.

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No way, geez… Unfuckingreal


The talking filibuster isn’t going to do shit. Republicans will literally talk for 3 years to prevent hr1


I don’t think they can sustain 41 people present for very long but even so it’s an intermediate step to raise the salience of the obstruction.

The Democrats seem to finally understand the stakes and we are down to 1-2 Senators now, really only one in my opinion. Cinema holds the future of the nation in her hands, which is both exciting and fucking horrifying.


I mean i guess it depends on the rules so we will see. It’s a step in the right direction but repubs know stopping new voting rights bills means a lock on power for a decade and they will go all out to stop it.

I think it is possible that Hunter Biden’s substance abuse history is something that makes Joe not inclined to be a leader on legalizing recreational drug use. I don’t think he’ll stand in the way if Democrats in Congress really want to get it done, but I don’t think marijuana is ever going to be a priority for him or something he expends political capital to legalize. It’s not something that should be on a top ten list of priorities.

This is super annoying.

In short, homeowners throughout the country currently subsidize flood insurance for coastal properties. This is of course regressive in nature given who owns beachfront real estate.