The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

Plus they can make the rules so they can’t do it 24/7, just delay it a week or a couple weeks before a vote.

Or one Dem must be prosecuted for each Rep. BIPARTISAN!

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Are people here really rustled that Biden isn’t putting his name on the checks? Maybe I just love mah norms, but it seems too wrong to me. Although I understand the opposite view.

I think the correct solution is to pass a bill preventing the president from putting his name anywhere on the check ever. Biden just needed to threaten to do it and he gets bipartisan support for that bill.

Nah. But the comment line should say

“Bigger than any check from that chump Trump”


The First Fifty


Wish it was Biden American Rescue Future instead of plan. Such a better acronym.

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Republicans entire grift is trying to make the government look as incompetent and unaccomplished as possible.

The republicans are excellent at making both those things to appear true.

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Manchin’s breaking point might be if Republicans obstruct for two years, get beat in the midterms because of it, and double down on the obstruction instead of learning their lesson and switching gears.

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So the $300 for families with a kid. Is that $300 per kid or just overall, and is it a monthly payment or some kind of end of year bullshit tax credit thing?

Per kid, with both checks and tax credit bullshit.


He said the justice department will “police the police” and that he wants to provide the police with more resources to reform lol

This is what he said on equality

  • On inequality in the justice system: The attorney general nominee stressed that the Justice Department’s role is meant to “serve the Rule of Law and to ensure equal justice under the law.” He noted that last year was the 150th anniversary of the Justice Department’s founding in the aftermath of the Civil War, and that its core mission was to secure the civil rights promised by the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments. “The mission remains urgent because we do not yet have equal justice,” Garland said. “Communities of color and other minorities still face discrimination in housing, education, employment, and the criminal justice system.”

One area I think they will focus on are cannabis laws and changing that a lot. Hopefully they don’t forget to keep in mind the people locked up for minor drug related charges and do something meaningful with that too


This is far and away the best part of the bill.

Yes, probably. Ben Shapiro was freaking out about it creating a new entitlement program, so that’s how you know it’s good. Families getting checks for kids is something that will be tough politically to take away.

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Wait until Bernie finds out some minor league baseball players are so underpaid they live with host families in those communities.


The fact that this person didn’t say “Bernie Sanders going to bat for the good ol minor leagues” makes me irrationally angry.


I love it

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Biden will deploy FEMA to care for teenagers and children crossing border in record numbers


Some crazy good polling for Biden out today. We’re well on our way to the W trajectory where in 6 months you won’t be able to find a Republican who supported him.

Those kids have never worked a day in their life and haven’t paid into the system so should not be given handouts.

Things republicans have really been saying.