The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

The only real problem, at least to get voting rights and gerrymandering done, is Cinema.

Not sure she’s going to be the sole problem, but I agree that if we’ve got her, we’ve got them all.

Biden letting this border catastrophe continue is a real stain on the few good things he has accomplished. Now that stimulus is passed, this has to be his administrations number one priority. It’s not like they can claim to be surprised his presidency would result in increased immigrants so why were they not prepared for this?

Send an army of social workers, not border agents.

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I think you can rephrase it as being in defense of federalism. “If the people of Georgia don’t like these laws, then they can vote these legislators out”.

Clovis I know you get shit on a lot, but honestly reread this and tell me it isn’t something that could have been posted by @SweetSummerChild

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lol now you are calling me out for calling out Biden. Ok.

Honestly, I think I’m done here after the last few days.

No don’t do that, I promise I’m not trying to be a dick. I get that you’re calling out Biden, I just think there is naivete in the “why were they not prepared for this” question. I think we already know the answer to that question–none of this was ever an actual priority, it was just words that came out of Joe’s mouth because he wanted to be elected.


I am a bit more generous than this. I really think it comes down to their unshakable belief in technocrats. Like if they establish a 12 member task force with a 36 week plan to write a paper about the border issues, then they think in their minds that they’re making it a priority and solving the problem. Its how eDems think the world works.


We shouldn’t be surprised by what is happening at the border. Biden didn’t run on open borders or some grand change at the border he ran on a more humane version of what we already had. He probably thinks he is delivering on that because some new upscale cages were opened.

ETA-Here is the Biden plan bulletpoints off his website:

Notice how the very first part of that is “forcefully pursue policies that safeguard our security”. That’s a dog whistle for what we see happening and nothing in this overview really differs from what he is doing.

Climate change, infrastructure, and voting rights should be bigger priorities.

But those are all big things that require Congress. This should be an Executive Branch layup.

Biden believes that bipartisan action is possible on immigration, so he’s going to avoid unilateral executive actions that might cost him the Republican support which is necessary for a bill that can’t be passed via reconciliation. I expect him to err on the side of doing too little rather than too much in the short term.

I don’t think anyones dumb enough to think you can work with Republicans now. At best he’s doing an act for political purposes

I’ve heard people say that Manchin at least needs to have had it appear that they tried to work with republicans before being on board and if they just leave them out from step 1 it may be a problem for his attempts at bipartisanship.

Of course people are just making guesses and few actually know for sure. I can’t believe that many think this batch of republicans actually will work dems in good faith though.

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I mean that makes sense for Manchin, but Manchin won’t do the filibuster for an immigration bill without Republican support which he won’t get regardless.

They actually should do exactly what you said. But in the meantime they can chip away at all of the edges that blatantly need to be fixed and can be dealt with quickly.

Nothing wrong with having a long term plan. But obviously they have to be able to take care as much as possible while working on that plan.

I agree that is not their workflow:

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The day Manchin calls out the republicans for acting in bad faith and votes something in without bipartisan support that he was holding out on, is the day I start taking him seriously.

He is the Glenn Greenwald of politicians.

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UPDATE: Merrick Garland is now Attorney General.


Hasn’t he already taken a number of executive actions on immigration?

Anybody know what the deal with this Jared Golden guy is, the one D who voted against Covid relief? This gonna be the next Van Drew? Gjge voting against something that has 90% approval among your voters. Moron.