The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

Lol what?

I swear to god y’all’s brain melted when Garth Brooks took the stage yesterday.

It was 15 days ago that insurrectionists were in the fucking Capitol, and 14 days since 100+ GOP members STILL voted to overturn the will of the electorate, and you think these guys are going to work with Biden?


I mean they are already doing it. Tom Cotton dropped an objection last night. Think he does that if Obama is POTUS?

I have no illusions in thinking everything is A OK. It’s not. But fighting Biden is harder than fighting Obama. Biden is vanilla white Grandpa. He appeals to a lot of voters even if you disagree politically.

The ones that voted to overturn? No. They are gone. Fuck them. I mean people like Romney and that woman from Alaska.

Agreed, the GOP will “work with Biden” on basic shit like acknowledging he is President, getting his non-controversial appointments through and standard horse trading on the budget but 0.0% chance on any progressive legislation. Will force his hand on the filibuster.

At very best, when Ds are on precipice of getting rid of the filibuster out of frustration, Rs might offer to stop filibustering for a very watered down version of the legislation.


I think you guys forget how much the GOP fought Obama.

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Wonder how Elizabeth Warren feels about Bernie Sanders, the man who told her a woman couldn’t win a presidency lol, getting a nice committee spot and she has nothing yet for her great work during the primaries.

It’s pretty hilarious, she thought kneecapping Bernie would work in her favor but nothing is materializing yet

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I think the Dem party in CA is relatively conservative and that’s what happens when there is barely a GOP in the state. Remember HRC beat Bernie here and NY and CT and generally in richer Democratic strongholds.

The more leftist senators have come from places like Wisconsin or Oregon.


lol she talked down to children begging for a livable future, pretty sure she doesn’t treat people who are her servants too much better


For the people who believe she knee-capped Bernie because she’s not actually a progressive, then it would seem she got exactly what she wanted.


I don’t think McConnell changes though. He’s going to stick with the same cheat code, not because he hates Biden, but because it works.

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Speaking of Mitch, well worth the 9 seconds



Yup. Maryland is very much the same. Probably 1/3 of the Baltimore city council are republicans in terms of policy, but obviously run on the Dem ticket. 3/10 of our reps/senators don’t suck. We even elected a “moderate” Republican governor twice!

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I had it backwards. It’s PR statehood that is really popular (polling here). DC statehood can be linked to the 1/6 insurrection though.


Yeah, I’m sure the republicans would be open to adding a couple of new senators from PR.

Edit: that sounds snarky but I meant I don’t think anyone knows how democrat or republican PR would be.

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And in states where there is no D presence, the Rs go batshit crazy. WAAF…

This is actually a pretty big assumption. There are tons of center right voices in the Dem party, basically people representing the interests of high earning professionals that benefit too much from corporatism to really oppose it but also have some humanity and are highly susceptible to narratives where they can have it all. Those people are very powerful in “safe” Dem states because the left struggles to primary them effectively.


Protest content moved to its own thread, as it deserves special attention and will be an ongoing source of new material.


wat? The idea would be to make them vote against the popular thing, get rid of the filibuster, then jam the popular thing through over their opposition and credit for it (and bonus senators).

PR statehood might be “popular” but the intensity is zero. It isn’t going to be a galvanizing issue if the republicans obstruct it. Buying Greenland might be popular but failing to do so isn’t going to drive anyone to the polls. For your strategy it has to be about an issue people care a lot about.

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I sort of doubt someone who’s been in politics as long as she has stays up late at night fretting about the standard back-and-forth jabs that are a normal part of a primary campaign.

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