The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

Yeah. It’s not looking good.

I was hoping that the whole reach across the aisle bit was just a lie to win the election. Then it’d be exactly what it is: Us vs Them instead of Us being nice vs Them being cutthroat and not giving a fuck about the country.

That and my vote was never counted since I didn’t get my official ballot until 5 days before the election during a pandemic. Had to use a write-in ballot to get mine in way earlier than that.

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Working hard

What can we show of Biden?

Um Well he managed to walk upright unaided for 2 seconds this week.

Can we stretch it to 9?



Jesus Christ enough with these stupid qanon takes. Criticize his policy all you want but maybe stop with the ageism and abilsm.


I didn’t read his comment as either of these.

Making fun of him for walking unaided for 2 seconds isn’t ageism?

I’m not anti old people. They rock. They usually dgaf and are willing to tell you exactly what they think and they generally have perspective even if it’s often through a slightly dodgy lense. We should celebrate the elderly. They just shouldn’t be in charge of anything important. Like countries with nukes for example.


So Bernie should retire?

Enough with the gaslighting where you pretend like the guy isn’t in serious cognitive decline. It’s fucking insulting.


You should be ashamed. I’m not continuing this discussion.

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Why isn’t Joe giving pressers


Whats the point though? Harping on it constantly is just carrying water for Republicans. They’re weaponizing your leftist beliefs in service to their conservative goals.


Everyone knows giving a bunch of press conferences makes a good President. Thats why Donnie Dumb Dumb was such a great President ldo.


Ted Cruz and that asshole from Oklahoma just lost stupid amendment votes

Why not filibuster reconciliation by infinity amendments

Obama only did five news conferences in his first year in office. George W. Bush did four. I think we forget what a freak-job Trump was by taking hours of questions every day from the media.

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Biden is terrible for a lot of reasons, imagined dementia isn’t one of them.


Of course he should. I can understand him wanting to hang on while he is the only person representing millions in the entire chamber, but he should 100% be out on a ranch somewhere with his grandkids telling stories or whatever.


I let myself sleep on this to see if I still felt the same. I do. Sinema is giving me strong MTG vibes. Attention whoring psycho idiot. I wouldn’t be surprised if she never votes with the Dems on anything important from here out. If the Rs figured out how to infiltrate the Ds by running as one, it’ll just be another feather in their “way better at the game” hat.

That clip is nauseating. Walking up in her $500 outfit, $150 bag, patting McConnell on the back, then doing a goddamed curtsey thing as she votes to deny millions of people enough money to live. Absolutely disgusting ghoul. Jfc.