The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

only if she throws one at Manchin and Sinema to bludgeon them into submission

We all understand the business model of a company like Facebook which offers their service for free because the users’ eyeballs and buying habits are the actual product, and FB is selling that product to advertisers and corporations.

Same in electoral politics. The voters are the product. The politicians are in the business of convincing corporate and billionaire donors that they can deliver that product to the polling booths while returning as close to zero tangible benefit to the voters as possible. The Dem politicians aren’t losers who don’t get how the game works. Nah, they’re playing GTO in service of their actual constituents.


We should be training people to believe government can just give people money. Ideally, we would have a way to break up one big check into smaller monthly checks, creating a sense of entitlement. Then, when it’s not enough, the pressure will be to agitate for bigger checks rather than an additional new check.

Of course, that’s inefficient if the goal is to shovel money to people, but that’s not really the point.



Such an own goal. And for what?

We hate ourselves! We can’t govern!

Embarrassed to be a Democrat, today and every day.


My girlfriend is a die-hard Democrat who makes like 82k a year. God forbid they actually support their constituents for once.

She should vote yes on the House bill, then no on the compromise bill.

Millions of people got Trump checks and will get no Biden check, A+ job Democrats you fucking imbeciles.

It only takes like 5 house democrats to fix, as noted above. The squad plus a few others just have to say they’re voting against the final bill.

lmao at thinking there will be “schools” in a generation

you’ll worship from your church pew everyday and like it


Will any Senate Democrats vote no on a bill for not being big enough?

It’s really Biden’s fault for not starting at a higher number.


He’d be getting exactly the same complaining. $2t is still a lot of money.

Agreed. That phase out is dumb and just over complicates things.

They could easily just set a hard cap at the higher limit (or lol us the lower limit).

But it wouldn’t be the government if they did not needlessly over complicate everything in order to pretend like they are working. Anyone familiar with what the Medicare prescription donut hole was knows they can take it to extreme levels.

She’s just positioning herself for 2024. Easy to be against the filibuster after Cymenem and Manjin have, with Biden’s acquiescence, ensured its survival.

Meanwhile, here is the Republican strategy:

I know Ron Johnson is a moron but how does he think this goes?

If you delay giving people something they need and want they will eventually be against it?


The marginal 56% comes from

Married couple two kids at 150k gets $5600

At 160k they get 0.

So essentially they lose 56% of that extra $10k. The only net 4400 more than someone that made 150k.

A 2024 presidential bid? Another insurrection? A payoff from Russia?

it is for sure an own goal. i just have a bit of an issue calling them Moderate Democrats. manchin is a conservative. this is partly why the overton window is broken. our worst congresspeople fall far short of median progressive policy. gop median is moving further and further right and they don’t even blink.