The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

It’s more of a “If you ain’t trying to win, you ain’t trying” situation.


@Riverman has posted some stuff wrt the stimulus on who gets what… Mostly lawyers office stuff though.

It is pretty complicated though. Israel is a part of it but you can’t discount the economic aspect. China’s belt and road initiative plays a large role in why we are there. The maritime route goes through the red sea and the land route goes directly thru Iran

There is no policy or strategy. We bomb the middle east because we have bombs. We have bombs so we can bomb the middle east. Humanity really is that stupid.


Liberals on a left leaning message board defending middle east interventionism in the year 2021

giphy (3)


Me 4 years ago:

I said before thay Syria is a terrible problem with no good solutions and I stand by that. I don’t care what Trump does except for an invasion.

We were incensed when Trump tweeted out the same sentiment.

The only thing libertarians are right about. For all the money we waste on foreign adventures we could do so much at home.

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I’d be fine with spending money on “foreign adventures” if I thought what we were doing was helping people in other countries.

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The libertarians don’t want the money spent at home either though.

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America is essentially pot committed to the ME. They’re too deeply integrated into a sensitive and complex situation that they clearly would have been better off not getting involved in.

The number of players with a stake in the ME is immense and even a slight change in policy can lead to an unpredictable butterfly effect throughout the region.

America leaving isn’t a clean shit where you don’t have to wipe. It’s an evacuation of enormous proportions that will be chaotic and leave a huge mess no matter what you do and how you do it.

Sometimes the best move to make is to not make one at all.


This is exactly what Raytheon wants you to believe. Word for word what defense executives are saying to legislators to keep their pockets fat

If you believe this you are the exact type of mark that keeps the war machine humming. Attitudes like this keep American dollars going into bombs rather than hospitals.


But it is true.

MIC got what they wanted: a neverending war

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It is absolutely not true and the only evidence you have to support your position comes straight from the mouths of the worst ghoul warmongers in the world

We are not “pot committed” and I think it’s telling that one has to reach to poker nerd speak to justify it. There is no evidence that some world sucking black hole will appear if the US pulls out

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What are your thoughts on the cause of the rise of ISIS?


America has so many original sins in the Middle East, going back to at least the 1950s, it hard to list them. 70 years of bad foreign policy is not a good argument to keep doing the same.

A pretty convincing argument can be made that nearly everything wrong in the Middle East, including the spread of radical Islam, can be pretty closely connected to America’s terrible interventions.

It has to end. Now.


so what happens if the US pulls out? the status quo is maintained indefinitely?

Seems a bit odd to start with the Americans and not the carving up of the Ottoman empire by the colonial powers, particularly the British and French. Like, some of that was done with a deliberate eye towards maintaining perpetual conflict that would necessitate their intervention and/or arms sales.


Spread of radical Islam goes back a thousand years before America existed (see the Rashidun Caliphate). But yeah, radical Islam in its modern form was spread in part due to American influence.

If there’s a way to withdraw without things going to hell for an indefinite period of time, I’m in. I mean we’ve done it before (American Civil War, Japan post-WW 2) but things are way, way more complex than back then. With so many countries, terrorist and non-terrorist groups, and political parties with a stake it’s a delicate balancing act to keep things from falling apart.