The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

This makes no sense.

If we know anything it’s violence begets violence.

If America left, there would be short term problems for sure but long term it would be far better.

It’s not America’s role to police the world. After the “American Dream” this has to be the most toxic American political idea ever devised.


If the left won’t replace the parliamentarian , whilst the right is launching armed insurrections , I am now WAAF.

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Lol, wut? Covid tests are free in my state for everyone…

Biden said, hey we do a lot of great deals with the Saudis. Just the best. We sold them billions of dollars worth of arms and we love it don’t we? You wanna ruin all of that over one fake news journalist?


Lol making it easier for everyone to vote leads to the death of democracy is a spicy hot take.


Wasn’t an American.

I thought he had American citizenship but after looking it up it seems he was in exile in the US.

I don’t understand the thinking behind these kinds of posts. You obviously know he made no point even remotely like that.

As far as I’m aware the Biden admin has said they will stop supporting all “offensive” bombings and missions but will still support “defensive” bombings against Iranian backed groups and other groups attacking the Saudi sovereignty. They have still not clarified on what they consider as being offensive or defensive and about 40 congress members sent a letter to Biden a few days ago asking for clarification because prior admins have played a little fast and loose with what is in the 2 categories


Like if I was Trump (and I had a working brain) I would be so pissed at the fact that biden is doing all the exact same shit but where trump got eviscerated, the exact same media infrastructure are all talking about how biden is skillfully navigating a complex global issue with care and tact and we all have to be reasonable and understand the full complexities of the situation or whatever. Pretty hilarious that Trumps major crime in their eyes was being too truthful, or rather being truthful about the wrong things.


The only way to get back to ‘norms’ is for the Dems to do to the republicans what the republicans do to them. Want to end gerrymandering? Gerrymander the fuck out of all the states the Dems control so republicans have no shot of ever getting elected in them. Want to fix congress? Start using every available method to pass legislation until the republicans cry foul, then put in some actual binding laws to fix it and that the republicans can’t thwart web they’re in power. Nothing will change until Dems force republicans to feel some pain.


I can’t imagine typing this as a serious post and not satire.

In Japan if you get violent on the street they’ll try to wrap you up in a futon burrito. It’s a de escalation. You cannot convince me that the world leaders in technology cannot find a way to de escalate conflict with different practices rather than just fire tit for tat bombs.

Also the United States isn’t even taking care of its people. My position is that in addition to the moral part, which is hideous and criminal and an affront against humanity, we are simply not rich enough to wage these wars. Call everything back, every single resource. Once the people are taken care of then you can talk some shit about policing the world


You’re right, Trump actually got 1800 dollars to the people so Biden is doing even less. Looks pretty even on the military front


The US presence in the Middle East is not a policing the world issue. It’s a you-break-it-you-bought-it situation.


This is like saying because you accidentally drove your car into the front window of a store the only solution is to keep going straight to get out.


I think its more like if you get stabbed in the chest thats bad but its actually worse to yank it out. You eventually want the knife out but you’ve got to have a plan.


What if the US pulled all troops and took the money and put it into aid to build infrastructure, hospitals, schools etc.

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I have heard this “we need a plan” talk my entire adult life. The plan never materializes. Insane amounts of money have been spent on bombs instead of the American people. I feel confident in saying it is total bullshit nonsense born from military propaganda. Get everything out of there. Stop bombing. No more troops.

I am done listening to the parroted words of military ghouls and Raytheon execs.


Its a good idea but its kind of crazy to think total immediate withdrawal from the ME will have no knock on affects that the US will continue to need to deal with. This is literally Donnie Dumb Dumb level thinking.