The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

Because of McCain? lol.

I guess. Hokie probably doesnā€™t have that kind of pull, ha.

Was going to pop into the covid thread to see what theyā€™re saying but I havenā€™t been there in a while. Feel like an interloper.

This woman is just a straight up moron.


Iā€™m not sure why people spend more energy criticizing Manchin when Sinema isnā€™t different. Is it because of her hair?

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Lololol without new voting rights laws sheā€™s so fucked. Has this moron seen the new voting laws pending in as? Jfc

Manchin is just in the news more because he makes more public statements but sheā€™s way worse. 0v

OK now do judges. Or i guess, better yet, donā€™t because sheā€™d probably propose reinstating the filibuster for those immediately.

Sheā€™s not wrong. It was meant to keep Civil Rights laws from passing until there was broad countrywide consensus. You know radical rights like the right not to be lynched.

Why run for senate just to say what we canā€™t really do?

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Manchin lead the way. She might not even know she could be so awful without him showing how itā€™s done.

DW-NOMINATE had her as the most conservative Democrat in the House, to the right of Collin Peterson, before she ran for the Senate.

This is a fun coalition:

voting no on what?

Something that it is reasonable for Sanders to vote no on.

Voted no on Vilsack for Ag.

ā€œI like Tom and Iā€™ve known him for years. I think we need somebody a little bit more vigorous in terms of protecting family farms and taking on corporate agriculture,ā€ Sanders told reporters after the vote. ā€œI think heā€™ll be fine, but not as strong as I would like."

As for the other 6, something something Dems evil something

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Same thing happened in Australia with our offshore prisons for migrants. Guards swapping sexual favours with kids for drugs and in doing so getting them all addicted.

that tweet is absurd and everyone should be better than that. Those two votes have nothing to do with each other but when you see only a ā€œeveryone is racistā€ lens thatā€™s the garbage you get. He probably will, a lot of him is a performance act.

Regarding itā€™s not worth it, yes it is because without him we donā€™t have the senate now (not just 50/50, but what happens in the GA runoffs if the senate isnā€™t on the line?), people are being dumb again.

Also voting sessions was great, he was just a GOP toad rather than ā€œletā€™s lock up all the democrats like trump wantedā€ and a dem filled his seat. I know Jeff Sessions is awful, but so so so many wouldā€™ve been worse.

So, TIL there are ICE camps (the kids in cages camps we see on the news) and there are HHS facilities, like the one that WaPo article talks about.

The HHS ones are for minors who cross unaccompanied. They stay in the HHS places for a few months while their cases are processed and they are reunited with their sponsors/families. The ICE ones are actively separating families.

I did not know this, and like most of the screamy people all over the internet, assumed all the camps were the same. So now I wonder, what do we do with kids we find alone crossing the border? We canā€™t just leave them out there. We need to feed and house them somehow while their cases are processed. I donā€™t know the solution, but weā€™re so sensitized to this that anything done by the government is going to look like a concentration camp. So what is a better solution?

Bottom line, the border-crossing process (not just ā€œimmigrationā€ which is too nebulous of a term) needs an overhaul, but Iā€™m also not in favor of leaving these kids alone in the street/desert.

*this is not a comment on the terrible actions of officials at these HHS camps, though the system probably leads to those outcomes, too.

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The ideal solution would be to place the kids with foster families like American kids, but I donā€™t know how possible that is. There is a shortage of foster parents in most places.

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I wonder if there would be less of a shortage of foster parents if they were paid as much as ICE pays per person held in custody?

Iā€™ve seen higher estimates than $200. Even if we go with $140/day, I think we could find a lot of good people who would gladly take care of a kid for $4,200/mo/kid.



Surprised you didnā€™t know that. Found out pretty quickly when investing the whole Obama built the cages thing. He didnā€™t really separate families but he put unaccompanied minors in these places.

From my understanding they usually have family here which if so obv out them with family. Or foster family. If not a no security actual camp would be a last resort, not a prison

Actually some security. A couple hidden snipers in case trumpers show up to harass them