The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

Yeah. I mean, he’s well to the right of what I would like, but with the possible exceptions of Jon Tester and Sherrod Brown, he’s the highest value over replacement senator there is.


Its perfectly reflective of a terrible society and government structure?


Manchin is the worst. They need to step letting him have power over them. It is absolutely not worth it.

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There are exactly two ways to neuter Manchin’s power: pass stuff with R support or elect more D Senators.


It could be because every actually good Senator, even from deep blue states, is miles ahead of whatever standard party trash is waiting to replace them and are the true top of the VOR list. Or the realization that there are only like 2 of those.

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The Senate is disgusting. Abolish it. If not make ca 30 states.

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He is not giving his vote for anything he doesn’t want to do so it is worthless catering to him.

As it stands now the rest of them are playing defensively and capitulating to him. Ignore him and wait until he wants something.

His vote can’t be counted on so they need to stop acting like it can be.

None of this is urgent, the Dems are done legislating for the year once they finalize the reconciliation bill.

I believe they are going to try to pass something one infrastructure after the Covid reconcilliation bill. It’s what I hear, at least.

Must be Manchin’s ear on the outside of Biden’s ice cream cone

Taxes on PUA benefit is apparently a surprise to many people. I had withhholdkng on mine. Should be fine.

Nah, they get two reconciliation bills this year because something something byrd rule something something budget something something taxes. I don’t understand why, but they get another one of these, probably to fix taxes.

If you think the GOP is unraveling in response to the COVID bill, buckle up for the only thing they actually care about, not paying taxes.

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A+ thread title change


Legendary imo.

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Though I haven’t actually looked into why, this is probably because the Federal fiscal year ends Sept 30th.

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It’s no Take Me Out to the Blockchain, but it’s really good.

Everyone talked about nazis in the WH during 45 and now 46 invites literal “Germans” to walk into the oval at anytime and it’s celebrated. Liberal media bias anyone?


Haha I changed the title in frustration, assuming someone would change it back pretty quickly :grin:


Fauci no longer unchained and now #FireFauci trending.