The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

What they should have done is all gotten into a room and gotten on the same page about how this was going to go before anything else. And then did this whole kabuki dance in public.

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It seems likely that the kabuki dance was a pre-requisite to getting Manchin’s vote. He seems like he would object to Dems resolving this all in private without Republican input.

This is the problem with coalitions (progressive and centrist dems). But on the other hand, without Manchin there would be nothing but Mitch still in charge and as far as WV is concerned he is irreplaceable. No other D would win. He seems convinced this theater is needed for his own reelection.


Yeah. My issue with Manchin is he’s old as shit and will be 77 when he’s up for re-election and should just use these last 4 remaining years to yolo and try to save democracy. It’s the clear play. I highly, highly doubt he wins again after impeaching Trump twice regardless of what he does, so he should try to do as much good as possible.

Which makes me think these are his actual views and not political theater.

Manchin basically equals out with Susan Collins. Not sure who is better at getting what their party wants does. Repeal of ACA could have gone through if Collins had voted for it, lets see if anything huge falls through because Manchin refuses. So far he’s completely playing ball with bidens plan.

I don’t think any of us know what Manchin’s actual political views are and I don’t think those matter much even to him. He’s a high ranking WV machine guy. The question is what the WV machine’s goals are. It’s definitely a weird time for them with the inevitable death of coal having already pretty much happened.

Appalachia is in a really weird place in general right now. Things are either going to get a whole lot better or there’s going to be another great migration.

Sheeet. I could by a 4000 square foot house on 16 acres of land in West Virginia for under $500k.

Downside is that it’s in the middle of fucking nowhere even for WV.


I can imagine getting some land and enjoying a quiet life in like Montana or rural Oregon.

West Virginia? Nah man.

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It’s not physically ugly. Whether the water will ever be safe to drink for rich people is a better question.

Uh yeah I’m pretty sure living in rural America in any state is exactly same, trumpers, churches, and billboards with baby pictures on it. What’s the difference? Is there even a significantly higher # of houses with the confederate battle flag in Alabama vs Oregon?

Pine everywhere is bad enough. Pine everywhere with gloss urethane is remarkably awful.


Less than an hour from Blacksburg VA though…

Wow, that’s a lot of money. If we get this pandemic under control this is going to be the roaring 20s again, 100 years later.

Meh, the child credit thing is a lot more valuable then a one time $600 payment anyway. This bill looks pretty good to me. If $15 min wage somehow survives, this is going to be a gamechanger. It’s really hard to bitch about it.

I mean, he’s got a tough race, but I don’t think anyone’s going to give a shit how he voted on impeachment 4 years from now.

Republicans in the Senate clearly disagree with you. Me too


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Just gotta hold on to my GME until that sweet sweet stimulus money hits, then we’re all going to Mars. Hurry the fuck up congress, my kids need tuition!


It’s all going into bitcoin this time.


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