I don’t understand why Biden doesn’t just go on live TV and say hey we wanna give you guys $2k checks but this fucking idiot is the reason you’re gonna be eating ramen next week, and just hold up a picture on Manchin. He needs to be shamed Game of Thrones style
These pointless self owns are just killing me. They clearly haven’t learned shit since 2008 except maybe that Rs aren’t acting in good faith. Luckily the Dems are out flanking them to the right in government spending.
I’m willing to believe that people who know Manchin personally have a better idea of his breaking point than armchair psychologists observing from outside the process. It might not be true, but it’s at least within the range of plausibility.
Just lol, these people are absolutely hopeless. Oh, and they’re STILL basing it on 2019 tax returns.
Not enough of them understand that they need to win and keep winning to keep any semblance of functioning democracy, and the only way to do that is GIVE PEOPLE STUFF THEY NEED (and get noticed doing it). They just keep running the same plays back over and over again – negotiating against themselves, being too concerned with the talking points of bad faith right, playing to the imaginary middle instead of doing what their voters sent them there to do.
It’s infuriating. They’re going to lose in two years and utterly deserve it. Then they’re going to lose again in four years and it’s gg USA.
It’s so obvious too, if Joe Schmo got $600 from the Trump admin a couple months ago and then gets ~$0 from this because of his income in the middle range, he’ll be fucking pissed and that much more likely to stay home in Nov 2022 (if he’s a Democrat) or make sure he gets his ass out to spite vote (if he’s not). He doesn’t give two shits that Biden meant well and lots of other nice folks got another $1400.
it’d be batshit stupid to attack a fellow democrat with a zero seat senate margin when you need to get things done
Fucking goldfish memories for shit like bitching about Obama golfing and hydroxychloroquine miracle cure! - but total recall elephant memories for stuff like Jesse Smollett and Steve Scalise.
It’s already obvious they aren’t going to get anything of value done with the senators they have. Might as well go on the offensive to try and have a chance in 2022, they currently have no chance at all. They need to pivot the narrative from all Dems being worthless to just a few Dems being worthless
I told MTG to knock it off and she agreed! What about the other guys. This is a Democrat Party partisan power grab.
Fucking a POTUS would be a real feather in daddy’s cap.
That’s definitely not true because I know minors who made it all the way from Afghanistan, Iran and Syria to Europe with uncles, distant relatives, friends of the family and sometimes total strangers.
Fucking abortion voting Catholics in the neighborhood must be a big reason we were only +51 Biden. Can’t believe there were 170 votes for Trump in my small district area.
any individual state can ban gerrymandering in their own state, yes.
Family is different and I would say escaping a war zone is different than a situation from one which just doesn’t happen, in that “these kids” will end up in some sex ring.
I don’t see a map, but you can look up your precinct here: https://results.elections.virginia.gov/vaelections/2020%20November%20General/Site/Locality/RICHMOND_CITY/President_and_Vice_President.html
I honestly dgaf if they don’t give me $1400 because I make too much or whatever but honestly fucking lol. What riverman said, What a joke. Incompetence at best, outright rat fuckery at worst.
I found something on the NYT that had my “precinct”, except it’s wrong, at least according to the precinct map of the district I have on my wall that was made for me during the election.
it’s Trump +27, which is probably right anyway, but it contains about twice the number of houses/people than our actual county precinct/voter roll data. And I would know.