The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

Over/under should probably be set at 3. I think it could be as high as 30, depending on how bad things get from this point on.


That story is crap, fyi. Not saying some of that sentiment isn’t there, but that story is complete crap.

Lol at those who soft defended Trump’s Syria move because we needed to get out of there someday or whatever the reasoning was.

He left so fast that not only were our troops shelled at, but thousands of Kurds died, ISIS supporters/fighters escaped, we had to bomb our own bases to try to avoid others getting info on our military, Russia got to take over our base that was hastily left, and, oh yeah, we have 50 nukes in Turkey that may be held hostage as we navigate this clusterfuck.

There are much much better ways to remove “less than 50” relatively safe troops from Syria than this.

If there was anyone here defending Trump, I missed it. If you’re referring to the outside world, sure - there’s a limitless supply of fucking idiots.


fuck. you

( twitter | raw text )

I don’t know that I can handle that letter.

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I think he’s referring to Congress.

LOL! Always fuckin’ projection with this guy.

Literally “I know you are but what am I”, sad!

He doesn’t have any problems upstairs. He’s afraid to go up stairs. So he can’t have problems upstairs.


-A Beat Poem by nunnehi

( twitter | raw text )

Yeah we literally left like we called an emergency retreat. It was absolutely insane and every bit unnecessary.

Why you talking about Nancy’s chest?

LOL, from that site Trump tweeted.

Many years being two years.

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It makes me so happy to see the bus getting ready to run over, back up, run over, back up, run over, back up, then park on Mick Mulvaney. John Eisenberg has apparently admitted putting the Ukraine phone call transcript on the super secret server to ‘avoid leaks’. It’s a crime to mis-classify anything on that system. The same place I got that says Mick Mulvaney ‘encouraged’ that. LOLHAHAHAHA

For extra water on the witch, they are also saying Mulvaney was in charge of the ‘three amigos’.

I’ll end with another poem:

Mick Mulvaney. He tried to run it all into the ground. He was run into the ground. Thought he was president. He wasn’t.


-A Beat Poem by nunnehi


I think Pelosi doesn’t realize what a ratings juggernaut impeachment would be. Americans love a good crime drama. OJ’s trial was mostly boring af, but it got yooge ratings. It was a staggering 150 MILLION VIEWERS. Even his brief parole hearing a couple of years ago (people forget he just served nine years for armed robbery lol) got 14 million viewers. Which might sound like not that much compared to his prime audience of 150 million viewers, until you also learn that the second-best rating for that day was 3.1 million, about 1/4 of OJ’s parole hearing LOL.

Impeachment would be all people would talk about. And this is just speculation, but I think the same reality-tv adoration that got Trump elected could suddenly turn against him. If he’s effectively on trial, audiences have a different perception of a defendant attempting to prevail against a growing pile of damning evidence. Like, some people might have in their hearts agreed with Jessup, but I think you’d be hard pressed to find someone who would say he didn’t deserve to go to jail.

The only difference is that with Trump, it would be like Jessup took you aside the night before the trial and told you in detail how he committed his crimes, and that’s why he expects you to acquit him.