The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

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Of course they can say he’s lying.


Let’s have a look at ol’ Bill Taylor’s political donations, I bet he gave money to a democrat at some point. Witch hunt!


The first is the name of my new band, the second is the name of our first album.


The can and will say both those things. They already have.

I counted 17 lies in that statement.

Tough break, because we just released, “Quadruple Hearsay.”

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They are going to have to crank it to undecuple hearsay before this is over

TripleHearsayHat one time.



Edit: by the way the ice rinks are cash only which is super weird in 2019.

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I’m sure all the other calls on the “oh shit” server are perfect and normal too.

They’ll come out soon. The MBS call is sure to deliver.

I don’t believe here. DU(I)CY?

Got the hearsay part right on my bingo card

Law bros, how likely is this? If Congress subpoenas them, and Trump obviously claims executive privileged, how long would it take to get to the supreme court and what is their likely ruling?

Why aren’t dems trying to escalate any of these subpoenas to the supreme court yet? Or are they? Listened to that stuff you should know podcast and it seems like there is plenty of precedent for the supreme court rule that executive privledge can’t just be a vague cover your butt thing and ordering the executive to comply.

Hahahahaha, to distract from impeachment, GOP congresscritters are trying to resurrect their massively unpopular health care proposals.

Not sure if they actually think this will be popular (it won’t be) or if the plan is to fall on the sword for Trump by putting something out there less popular than he is.

I can’t really tell if this is a quote by Stephanie Grisham about President LittleHands or if Trump is talking about himself in the third person again.

Not a lawbro, but Executive Privilege is worthless related to wrongdoing, so all of these executive privilege claims are worthless.