The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

Say what you will about Melania, her Hercule Poiroit Death on the Nile cosplay is on point:



PS: jk, what a disaster of an outfit. David Suchet pulled it off way better.


I haven’t heard of Walter Fisher. The topic is fascinating to me but I’m certainly not an expert. Narrative Paradigm seems very similar to one of the central ideas of Storr’s book. He also discusses the limits of perception and how our brains fill in gaps so that what we think is a complete and accurate picture of the world is far from that. I’ve also encountered these ideas in other contexts. (People who study learning refer to a concept they call “chunking,” by which we can distill complicated pieces of information into a whole that’s easier to understand and remember.)

I have a friend with an autistic child. I mentioned Storr’s book to her because she’s a writer, but this connection to autism may also be of some interest. Thanks!

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An old friend used to put it to me as the likelihood that if you were driving and saw an alien jerking off on the side of the road, your mind would refuse to accept what it was seeing. It just doesn’t fit any sensible narrative.

Oh that’s great!!! This is the book Grandin wrote that I found so helpful. Cheers.

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Maybe not to you.

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What i dont understand is why Barr has not shut this down…

He should apologize to earth.

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i’ve never seen two people more in love with each other

Wow, look at those hands. So tiny. And look at that wave. Such low energy. Some are saying the lowest ever.


i think if trump voters were forced to compare photographs of president trump’s penis to photographs of president obama’s penis, they would agree that this guy needs to go" - joe biden




As it looks more likely we’ll be sending troops into Iran, it looks to me like Bolton might have a quid pro quo of his very own. As long as he gets his war, he won’t cooperate in the impeachment process.


Way too early for literally invading Iran, this lot of troops are human shields I think. The scenario for the Iran hawks is that next time there’s an attack like the oil field missile strike - where everyone thinks it was Iran, and it probably was to some extent, but they say it wasn’t, and there’s no clear evidence - it actually kills US troops, so a retaliatory air strike is something that pretty much has to happen.

Once they’ve got that next escalation goal, they’ll go from there. Plenty of ‘proxy’ conflicts to stir up as well. Political crisis in Lebanon and Iraq, Yemen still bubbling along, might even be homegrown Iranians to quietly arm at some point. Who knows where they could best fuck things up - actually invading is for mugs.

Lol at that video. The shame of being openly mocked on the world stage oozes out of him. More like Donald J Grump these days. You hate to see it.

ETA-Googling Donald Grump did not disappoint. Apparantly Sesame Street of all places has a brutal DJT takedown character named Ronald Grump. Amazing.

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