The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

I’m no twitter expert but a 40:1 ratio seems quite bad, and appropriate.

First two replies are Kevin Kruse and George Conway dunking on him, GJGE Nate!


The tweet so nice he sent it twice. (8 minutes apart).

Hmm must be a coincidence they are a lot of brown poors.

Yeah but unless trump said “Yes Quid pro quo” it does not matter. And it would have to be recorded and then it still wouldn’t matter.

Everyone claiming that x threshold has to be met and has not been met are lying. No amount of evidence would get them to turn.

So just Ok Trumper/ ok republican / ok dweeb

He forgot to add @FoxNews the first time.

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The managing editor, not Nate S, is a sucker for B level both sides takes. They are his happy place. I really doubt that tweet is from Nate S (who sometimes tweets poorly, but in a different key).

These do nothing democrats are very active.


Looking forward to the Republican outrage next time a police officer murders an unarmed black kid.

Stocks are getting crushed today, it’s the one thing that can actually take this asshole down. Would cost me a very painful amount of money, but still probably worth it.

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Do Nothing Dems are killing your 401k with their phony WITCH HUNT!!

Crushed? Market’s not even down 1%.
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This is like when a battered spouse says they were just having a disagreement. Their sincerity in that belief has nothing to do with whether their spouse is an abusive POS.

Breaking news: bank teller who gave bank robber money insists the bank was never pressured to give the money

Did the bank robber shout “I’m not robbing you” during the incident? If so, then no crime!

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Missing in this analogy is the robber is still pointing the gun at the teller.


That’s exactly what happened.

Then the GOP called the FDIC to the stand, who testified that since they guarantee the money anyway, the bank didn’t care and was happy to release the money. No pressure.

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The bank robbers friend said he heard the robber on a phone call before the robbery say that he’s not robbing banks.

Checkmate F. B. I.


Nate’s always been a contrarian libertarian bro at heart, this is just a return to form.