The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

The ole Personal Presidential Favors Policy.

Let him. It would be a bad play for him politically. It strengthens the Democrats’ case (the Pres thinks he and his cronies are above the law) and gains him nothing.

what a hero

Vger was a variation on a theme from The Changling episode of TOS. One of my favorite episodes.

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Star Trek dorks may enjoy this (author is the showrunner for Star Trek: Picard, currently in production)

The Final Frontier


I for one welcome the Star Trek derail even though I haven’t hardly watched any of it besides a few TNG episodes,that one movie that was a commercial for Sea World and one of the recent movies that I think had Benedict Cumberbatch in it. That being said seeing most of you guys geek out on it makes me think maybe I missed out and also gives me some hope for the human race if something made in the Boomer era could be valuable even though the Boomers themselves are 80% complete pieces of shit.

The last 4 years have been very draining on me as a person and has left me completely devoid of any hope in this country so anything to distract me from that is always welcome in my book. I mean how much of the real world can any of us really take at this point. If you had told me 5 years ago this would be our reality I would have laughed at you roughly on par with how I laugh at special effects from old Star Trek or Batman episodes.


Just having fun looking into what else is happening according to Fox News O_o

The complaint:

The legal code being referenced:

If I’m reading that correctly, it’s a suggestion that the whistleblower’s GoFundMe might be getting illicit assistance from foreign governments and the whistleblower himself is acting in his own financial interests instead of those of the country. #Irony


It’s so absurd. Even if granted these allegations, okay, so now apply the same standard to POTUS, right?


Star Trek derail needs to die, shut the fuck up about it here.

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I don’t even understand how or why any of that would be relevant to a whistleblower.

This whole strategy to try and out the whistleblower AND smear him/her is grotesque.

This is why all Trump supporters / defenders are incredibly dumb or fantastically evil. Nobody else would accept this thought process that the whistleblower is of any importance any more.

I have finally reached full and open disdain for any Trump supporters / defenders where I previously pulled punches based on the situation. However there are literally no excuses for supporting anything this administration does. If a person defends or supports ANYTHING they do, I require them to defend everything they do. No more cherry picking allowed.

Trump might have mixed feelings about the latest mass shooting. It makes the impeachment coverage go away for a little while. But it also gets him out of the spotlight for a little while. Maybe he doesn’t have mixed feelings. He’s likely just pissed about tuning into the cable networks and not seeing anything about himself.


It’s only about getting the whistleblower killed for taking down dear leader. Don’t think deeper than that.

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You lasted longer than I did


This but it also intimidates other possible whistleblowers into keeping their mouths shut.


It’s getting to the point where I think the WB is getting very close to saying that he/or she’s going to testify specifically because of this.

@nunnehi Is your assumption that there will be an impeachment in the house, and no conviction in the Senate? Would you put that as 90% likely? If not, what percentage do you give it?

And then is your working theory that Trump is damaged by the whole thing and makes reelection next to impossible?