The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS


Lol there’s a correlation??

Yeah I don’t buy this. Dude is obviously intelligent. That has nothing to do with a moral compass.

Edit: oops, other posters have already gone here

Smart people vastly overrated the value of intelligence over a baseline, news at 11. Klansky is probably over in the Nazi forum arguing Trump is playing 5d chess because Wharton right this moment.

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I know it’s probably not a subpoena, but it’s pretty cold to make him come in on a Saturday.

Is that the holiday weekend? :joy::joy::joy:

A way to ruin someone’s home visits… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Pesky Dems :rofl:

for context Clinton +12 poll on oct 23rd

in other words “how is trump gonna wiggle his way out of this!”


Not holiday season, just a normal Saturday, meaning he can’t be out carrying Trump’s golf bag.

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New this season from the memo-writers who brought you “The President is Literally Above the Law”

Ask yourself this:

If Trump is removed from office, which current Democratic candidates lose viability (you can include Clinton in this if you are desperate to)?:

Biden, Sanders, Steyer, Clinton

Which gain viability?:

Warren, Pete, Harris, Booker (probably too late for Booker)

If Trump is removed, I think Pete becomes a clear favorite of the establishment. Whoever gets in after Trump if he is removed via impeachment will be expected to play healer for 4 years, and that’s Pete and Booker’s role (winning vs. Trump and playing that role is legit bad, in my opinion). Warren is a rip the band-aid off type of person, so I think she’s still quite viable but will for sure not be a healer. Sanders wouldn’t have even run if Trump wasn’t in there (same with Biden and Steyer), and Harris would have been a lot more viable from the start.

I say they can be there wearing a gag, and have to sit in silence while each person answers every question. Solved!

Also, love how these idiots trot out ‘legal’ and ‘political’ interchangeably depending on which bullshit argument they’re trying to sell this week.

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Sondland and Volker transcripts out.

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I know this is hard, but you really need to be entertaining this idea right now.

Just write “LOL” in big letters across the memo and send it back with pics of Hillary sitting in a congressional hearing sans lawyer


Not a picture. A flip book of her smugly bobbing her head side to side from that hearing.


They got the Whitehouse now! Checkmate.

They recognize he is a busy guy managing Trump’s public schedule so they want him to come in when Trump is golfing.

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