The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

And this is while they’re still technically anonymous.


You now have a good chance of being impeached. FUNNY HOW WORDS WORK.

It baffles me to this day how many still stand by Nixon, but it will be even more baffling when we have people thirty years from now saying Trump was railroaded and never should have been impeached.

Maybe we need to let it play out for another thirty to forty years just to be sure, no?

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Republicans storm out of Veterans’ Affairs Committee, refuse to vote on health care bill for women veterans

Republicans were accused of trying to attach “poison pill” amendments to a bill on female veterans health care after they stormed out of the House Veterans Affairs Committee on Tuesday.

GOP committee members were filmed leaving a hearing room by Stars and Stripes reporter Steve Beynon after Chairman Mark Takano stopped debate on their proposed additions to the Deborah Sampson Act, a decision Republicans later called “partisan” and “shameful.”

Go swallow a 6-pack ring or something, Mitch.


Didn’t cut taxes on the wealthy by enough obv.


Yeah I was shocked to find out the military was out of money too and needed emergency funding. Especially after a trump stole money from the military for his wall.

But since we are not going to have troops outside the US anymore the budget for the military should shrink to nearly nothing. So we shouldn’t need any additional funding. Crisis averted.

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Funny if that wasn’t the actual counter argument

Secret footage of Trump releasing the transcript summary

Just in case anyone else was thinking of going as Jay Z and Beyoncé for Halloween.

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Oops wrong thread
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Many Alaskans mount effort to recall governor as huge budget cuts threaten education, Medicaid

Dunleavy campaigned on raising the state’s annual oil wealth dividend that each Alaska resident receives annually. Less than a year into his term, however, the governor caused a firestorm when he vetoed 182 line-items from the state budget, totaling more than $440 million — in part to fund the dividend. The cuts slashed $130 million, or 41 percent of state funding, to the University of Alaska system and tens of millions from Medicaid, and significantly reduced senior services and public education funding. They also leave Alaska in the unique position of being the only state without an arts agency.

After the cuts were announced, members of Dunleavy’s own party turned against the Republican governor, and Alaskans worried about what would become of their home. A decimated university, some feared, would cause a brain drain. Others wondered how they would afford health care and education, and people grew concerned about how cuts to homeless shelters and addiction treatment might affect their cities. Republicans and Democrats tried to come together and override some of the vetoes, but they ultimately fell short. So, residents like Svarny-Livingston decided to take matters into their own hands by launching a recall effort.

Dude’s just wildly slashing the budget to keep up their SOCIALIST oil dividend.


Oh I know. I legit lost sleep over this whole thing after I read the Miami Herald story and dug in deeper. It’s sickening.

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"But Republican Sen. Mike Lee reacted furiously, claiming that the letter was “unfounded.” “If this man is not qualified, I don’t know who is,” Lee said. He added that the ABA no longer deserves a “seat at the table” because it has little transparency and cannot be seen as a neutral player when it comes to confirmation hearings.

“The time has come,” Lee said, for the White House and the committee to suspend the ABA’s involvement until there could be a thorough investigation. Texas GOP Sen. Ted Cruz said the group had found VanDyke to be guilty of “practicing law while conservative.”"

-sniff- I liked law -sniff sniff- I still like law


I’m rich white and oppressed! Life isn’t fair. I can’t openly hate gays and minorities and get a district court seat. They’re the problem not me.

Narrator: He still got his district court seat.