The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS
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Hey Donnie Dum Dum, a Lieutenent Colonel with a Purple Heart just testified your “transcript” was fabricated and wrong. You really don’t want to keep drawing attention to this you dope.


I’m full Frank the Tank marriage counseling on the Saudi Arabia calls. There could be something I never even dreamed about. This is going to keep getting worse.

I don’t know, personally I believe the Russian calls would be more interesting to see the transcripts of, though both are sure to be explosive if they’re ever released.

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This goes without saying, but obviously the people he’s talking to are never going to read the “transcript”. And even if they did, what are they going to believe, their lyin’ eyes or their cult leader? He is going straight “the more often and emphatically you lie, the more the lie becomes the truth” which totally works on his people. And besides, “truth” and “lies” are just words with meaning only relative to each other, there is no such thing as objective fact, only what they believe.

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Previously on Dipshit President:

Man 34 days and we have accomplished what? A two week vacation for our hard working Dems and some hearings which basically confirm what is in the plain text of the WB report and the summary?


Confirming the text of the WB report is important. DUCY?

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I do. Accomplishing only that in 34 days is quite bad DUCY?

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I’d like to see them drag it out til Election Day myself

I agree and have previously stated they should investigate all his crimes. They should actually try investigating and having hearings on something other than Ukraine though right? I mean what is there to investigate for months, the WH in multiple ways has basically admitted it. Maybe they will but this is moving at a glacial pace and the attention span of your average American is like 5 minutes.

Catching Sondland in perjury, getting those text messages released and confirmed, nabbing Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum at the airport with international tickets, and getting it confirmed that the summary transcript was deliberately edited and that is the best they could come up with are all nice wins. Biggest win is the fact that this has been dominating headlines for 34 days.

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And in those 34 days, Trump and the GOP managed to shoot themselves in the foot 50x, Rudy’s 2 guys got busted, Mick admitted they ask quid pro quo all the time, Trump embarrassed himself on national TV getting his ass booed, courts have shot down anything that could help Trump, and numerous people have testified about the entire thing. And tomorrow, they vote.


Also, Congress has hours and hours of testimony that we don’t know about and that is on the brink of going public. Some people testified for 10+ hrs, and even if half that is Republican bloviating and obfuscastion and whining, and half of the remainder is Dems being useless fucks, that’s still a feature length movie’s worth of content per individual.



Yes those are some nice wins but there are 21 days left in session for the House this year. At this rate they will maybe have a public Ukraine hearing or two by the end. You lose credibility that this is some kind of national emergency moving at this pace.

Also he is never getting removed over Ukraine and I don’t know how much it damages him electorally. Can we move on to some stuff that would like, i dunno, his taxes and putting all of his crimes and scams out in public hearings?

Also i will fully admit that I am just lashing out in frustration. To me this seems like more of the same from the Dems. Score a few points that don’t really matter around the margins and never nab any big prize. I hope I am wrong.

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