The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

This made me remember being in DC the night Bin Laden was killed. Tons of people gathered in front of the WH in full celebration mode - USA chants and all.

ETA: Also remembered that was the same weekend of the WHCD when Obama roasted Trump, so Trump probably remembers the reaction.

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The people in Northern Syria would have been a lot better off if it was Erdogan instead.

Pretty sure this isn’t the first time we’ve killed that dude…

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I’m going to throw out some wild speculation that Erdogan gave this to Trump and that there is a Quid Pro Quo.


If true this honestly really helps Trump

Maybe, but the US population has a pretty high capacity for not giving two shits about anything over there.

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We love killing brown people.

And he’ll go on tv during the world series and when he gets booed, Republicans will run with that footage saying Democrats hate freedom.

Eh people said getting Bin Laden would help Obama get reelected, and look what happened there.


Trump is going to take credit for this but he tried to pull ALL troops out of Syria so this should not have happened.

If the Pentagon did not trick him with the oil to keep some forces there it would have just went by regardless.

I don’t want to debate the merits of captioning the guy just that Trump did everything in his power to make it not possible but will take credit.

Barisha is like 2 miles from Turkey.

Which makes Trump celebrating murder on twitter still super gross.

I think the short news cycle and endless controversy helps us a ton here. There isn’t much reason to suspect people will remember a signature achievement amidst an endless stream of what would be signature scandals when they also can’t really remember all the scandals amidst the stream of scandals. Not to mention, if Trump wants to run on his Syria policy, let him. There is still plenty of ethnic cleansing looming.

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Yeah but is not close to Bin Laden. I will admit my ignorance I do not even know who this guy is.

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I don’t think this is anywhere near the oil fields or really near where any American troops had been stationed.


Always a tweet.


Try thinking more like a Trump spinmeister. He won’t run on “Syria policy,” he’ll run on “anti-terrorism.”

  • introduced “extreme vetting” to keep “Islamic extremist terrorists” out of the country (side note, at the risk of tempting the wrath of the whatevers from high atop the thing, when was the last big attack on US soil that was linked to “radical Islam”?)

  • “Got tough” with Iran

  • Destroyed ISIS (which, of course, was founded by Obama)

There’s obviously tons of BS there, but it’s credible enough that I could make it into some pretty compelling messaging to a lot of voters, especially ones who don’t get weedsy on foreign policy…

The sim is real, yo… (The Rock sent his tweet before the Bin Laden story had officially broken)

I totally forgot about Rock tipping off Bin Laden killing.

Celebrating the USA murdering a person on foreign soil is gross

Either this dude or OBL

Can you imagine if special forces showed up in Texas and murdered bush jr is his home?

Not good