The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

Opportunity Zones were an obvious scam from the jump.


This. He ignored that subpoena in like April, right?


George Takei just asking questions

Secret Service will now proceed to investigate Takei for threatening to torture the Vice President.
( twitter | raw text )

Yeah him saying that gives me anxiety. Lousy trade deal with China one time plz.

Maybe he is just tweeting from the bathroom…


Hopefully it’s him being dumb and it’s incriminating.

Grand opening of Trump Moscow!


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He’s gonna tell us what soon, right?

Sir, this is a Wendy’s


I really hope we’re in the timeline where he tweets a Big Mac inspired giant dump he just took once he figures out how to use the camera on his iPhone.


I’m 97% sure it’s this.

2015: US has a $500 billion trade deficit with China. China buys $25 billion in US agriculture. The US buys $25 billion of Chinese steel.

2018: Trump imposes tariffs that cost US consumers $20 billion, part of which is to protect US steel.

2019: Trump announces a BIG new deal. The US trade deficit will be only $500 billion and China will agree to buy $25 billion in agricultural goods from the US. The US will buy $25 billion of Chinese steel.

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Tim Apple is bringing back the home button?


There’s no way he actually goes to the game tormorrow night, right? I mean why the hell would he even care to go when he can eat shitty burgers and dogs from the WH.

Enough with the fake trump tweets. It’s no better than the same shit on Facebook. This should be a bannable offence.

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I could see him going to get a huge fix of outrage, chased by an injection of self-righteousness as he walks out that will last him the rest of the month.

Sorry George. A PAC took out an ad saying Graham supported the Green New Deal. Facebook removed it. Facebook said only candidates can lie in ads.

Daily reminder quit facebook etc etc etc