The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Unconstitutional Slop

So you think you need to be off the grid for safety, but still plan on going to casinos?


I’m saying both. Having minimalist housing on remote acreage near various casinos is a dream outside of political considerations.

But now its just a race for me to get 1 going before November and then go from there. I’m not sure I can do it but Im going to try.

One issue in the scenario where you are fleeing becomes how to continue to provide for yourself, buy food, etc. It’s extremely difficult to stay off the grid.

I remember when the pants dropping guy went on his spree, but if you had asked me to set the o/u on WHEN that happened I would have said July 2017.

This past year has been so so long.

It’s not like this is something that no one else has ever contemplated. There are established paths to doing it.

Someone who has thought about this is JohnnyTruant, who has referred to his dream of permaculture farming.

I wonder how much of Steal this Book is relevant.

Yeah, no doubt. If we are talking long term then it gets complicated. My ideal homestead would have 3 years rations +. 1 year of rations for an individual costs around ~ 2.5 K and thats 30 year shelf life. Then you only need the raincatcher. Buys you some time hopefully before you have to start shooting other hunters.

I would still try and be near good hunting and fishing. Even if you aren’t experienced, if you have the tools you can learn.

Underground housing is a massive advantage for lots for reasons but stealth being #1 in a post apocalyptic scenario.

I really feel like starting this process will be a massive boon to my inner peace.

OC is full blue now, but only by a few % and the people who made it red for 70 years didn’t just vanish (though many vanished to Riverside, San Bernardino, and AZ/TX). It’s blue because of the influx of educated and minorities to Irvine and other communities. Wally George, the proto Rush Limbaugh, had his studio in Anaheim. HB has always been among the worst cities for dipshit racism.

To each their own, but she doesn’t look all that stunning to me. Decidedly pointy elbows, for one.

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Can a conspiracy theory nut look at this and come away with the idea that this is proof that COVID-19 was engineered to be less harmful to Asians?

That has always seemed like a ginormous hole in their plans.

Without a secondary external force to assert additional order it is going to become dangerous for the rich brains almost immediately.

If they are not able to shift to a mafia type dynamic where you kill people to exert authority they will evaporate.

The answer to any sentence that begins like this is always yes.


PLO pretty appropriate. Trump is playing with 4 2’s and him and all his supporters think they have quads.

I wanted to get in on the bad poker analogies, carry on.


Clearly the Chinese government created this to target black people in order to weaken the USA National Basketball Team in future international tournaments.

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Dog, that is a terrific spin. They should have done that for T3, put humanity in a situation where the only way to survive is to give control to Skynet. But at least enough of humanity will survive Judgement Day for him to liberate.

So the company that sells shitty gadgets to airplane passengers is going to save us from Amazon?

Right, I’m just saying for most of us it is extremely difficult.

Right but this also brings in a whole new set of challenges.

Per capita it’s least harmful to white people. There just aren’t many Asians in Georgia overall.

I was thinking it was more like Trump was dealt 5432ds, thought it was a draw game and inexplicably tossed the 5 and 4 to be left with 32o. The flop came JdTd7c and Trump has the 2d, but he’s up against like AdQdJcJs. Trump jams to go for the flush.

Ummm… Go fish?

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