The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Unconstitutional Slop

I’ve thought about this. I see a few problems. One is that I am a misanthrope. Another is that I hate the outdoors. And, finally, I’m imaging the states where such a thing would be easiest and I don’t think I want to live in any of them.

I had a weebles western cowboy city. “Weebles wobble but they won’t fall down”


I think it’s funny that some lawyer told Trump that pandemic control isn’t exclusively federal and that states have significant roles and he somehow interpreted that to absolve him of any responsibility. He’s too fucking dumb to act in his own interest.

I always think of the great documentary of a guy who builds a caban in alaska and just lives in absolute peace. It sounds so lovely, I’d need a girlfriend though lol. One of my most amazing ex’s has been messaging me about wanting to hang out and its so hard to say no lol. She’s stunning.


This is the same flag that was up at the house down the way. As far as i know, these could be the dudes, though this pic was taken by Klewe 5 mi south in HB.

My favorite part of this article is these supposed mega-geniuses not thinking of the possibility that their personal security forces will just kill them and take their stuff in the event they are actually needed.


Yeah, being conditioned as fuck and jaded aint helping me either. I suspect as November nears the motivation will increase.

My ideal scenario is to have 4-5 2 acre remote spots in states with casinos. For living quarters, no need for anything but the minimum amount of space to lay my head. Ideally Id be dropping things in the ground but that takes way more know how and effort.

Basically Fallout: Real Life.

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My best friend lives out in the boonies in Washington state near the Canadian border. They moved out there to build a little compound where they’d have space for their home business (they make and sell beeswax candles). We have a standing offer to park our RV on their land if shit goes sideways.

They have internet access and are close enough to Bellingham to get what they need but far enough out that hunkering down is definitely an option.

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I’ve been thinking about looking for some acreage is an area within a few hours of multiple poker rooms where I can drop a tiny house, maybe a shipping container home. I keep coming up with central Florida as the best location. I’m close to starting an almost-blog thread about this because I don’t know enough.

How do you feel about living near Lake Okeechobee?

But of course.

I assume this is in some alternate reality where COVID is not a thing?

I’m not moving to Montana.

Going back to that awesome article @bobman0330 shared, this really shocked me:

So what should Democrats do? Abolish the internet? Or add states?

Everything we can. Obviously, D.C. and Puerto Rican statehood are great. But we should really strongly consider adding more than two states. I’ve been trying to push the U.S. Virgin Islands, for example — home to largely nonwhite, marginalized people who don’t have representation. We’ve actually done polling on this. And even with pro and con arguments provided, it polls really well. People have really weird, incoherent views on representation. When you tell people, “There are 50,000 people in American Samoa and they don’t have a senator to stand up for their interests. Do you think they should get a senator?” — even when you tell them that Republicans say this proposal is an absurd Democratic power grab — still a very large minority of Trump supporters say yes. In our polls, majorities are onboard with adding three or four or five states. People think it’s fair. One fun thing is, Virgin Islands statehood actually polls much better than D.C. statehood. D.C. statehood is actually the least popular of any of the statehood proposals we’ve polled.

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I get they care about the economy more than covid so they want to stay open for business but why do this? Why would you want to just make it as bad as possible? Seems like they’re purposefully trying to make it as bad as possible which is going to be terrible for his re-election. Is it because it kills more minorities?


Are you sure? Have you…



How about a chess set?


Something like that has to exist for Long Island.

Dear God the US needs to get rid of Long Island. That place is all Karens all the time.

EDIT: Yeah, I know it isn’t connected to the mainland. Eat me. Make it South Jersey then. Another place full of white flight New Yorkers.