The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Unconstitutional Slop

Another poker pro on the case.

Oh man, that guyā€™s twitter feed.


In this scenario where itā€™s staged how much is the guy whose career is now ruined being compensated?

Its gotta be the alcohol. His mask slipped when his inhibitions were chemically muted.

Forget the whole, ā€œFind someone who looks at you likeā€¦ā€ meme, I want to find myself someone who stands up to racists like that. Damn. Be still my heart lolā€¦


My daughters love this book!

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Apropos of nothing, but I think I might have to start blacklisting Unstuck during working hours. I am not being very productive working from home!


Is that the motherfucker on interstate 65 outside of Nashville?

Itā€™s not that they feel emboldened. They feel desperate. The president was supposed to usher in a new era where racism was no longer racism. Instead, the majority of the country has risen up against a very vocal minority of people who do not understand the difference between being accountable for racism vs being blamed whole cloth.

They are having mental and emotional breakdowns in a very public way. My hope is that this is the first step for a lot of them to take a step in a new direction.


We talked about this back in April. We all did the lockdown thing so that we could flatten the curve, get the numbers down and then cautiously OFB&S. But what did we actually do?


The internet has like a 10 minute memory for 99.99% of things. I saw a decent chunk of videos of Karens yesterday and theyā€™re completely forgotten already. They all blend together after a while.

People lose a barista job? There are jobs for baristas everywhere. Whatever grift they pulled for 5 figures is lost in the internet ether and forgotten.

huge shocker guys

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He was talking about the founder of a UK/US based cloud company in the video Iā€™m pretty sure.

  1. The probability you will be recorded is not absurdly high. Itā€™s just that the incidents that arenā€™t recorded donā€™t go viral.

  2. They think they are in the right. They can see the people filming and sometimes they post the video themselves. They probably get positive reinforcement in their social media circles.

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Read the part you quoted again. Iā€™m saying the racists or the angry Karenā€™s are the ones losing their jobs. So for it to be a grift they have to be in on it and ok with the consequences of publicly being an asshole.

I think its the other way around. I think these people have ALWAYS been here, and always been willing to spout their shitty hate, we just have so many more ways to catch them in the act and share it with the entire world now. Its about the only positive I can say has come out of social media.


Why do widely publicized suicides lead to suicide contagion, with clusters of copycat deaths?

Youā€™ve got some people figuratively self-immolating who inspire other people to go down in flames in a similar fashion. Just as notable suicides probably donā€™t increase depression, publicizing Karens doesnā€™t create racism or anti-mask hysteria, but when people are stressed, they often grasp the first thing that comes to mind in figuring out what to do (the availability heuristic).

Thereā€™s also the possibility that they arenā€™t really that emboldened, but the incidents are being reported more and the triggers for these incidents are increasing because people are more willing to confront bad actors in public.

And I think there is a component of virtue signalling here, where some people are more likely to throw a public temper tantrum and to escalate things in general because there is something performative about it. They go out with the intention of causing trouble if someone messes with them to prove a point and are primed to act out when someone confronts them.


Martyrdom is a hell of a drug

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