The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Unconstitutional Slop


The interviews are being arranged with officials across a wide range of departments including Health and Human Services, Defense, Treasury, Labor and Commerce and include the top tier of Trump aides: Senate-confirmed appointees.

Loyalty tests being administered to the Department now solely in control of covid data.

What could go wrong?

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I like it just because it undoubtedly contradicts Trumpā€™s orders. I am pretty sure Trump thought he could get the GOP infrastructure to do whatever he wants and I am sure he is threatening them behind closed doors.

Any feeling he is losing control keeps the driveway iced over and him skidding out of control.

Obviously his private threats will become public shortly when he starts hate tweeting them.

Tentatively leaning a little towards team Simplicitus on this. Polling is taking a pretty sharp turn, though the reason I think is pretty much all COVID and none of the pre-COVID insanity, evil, and incompetence. Thereā€™s pretty much no way COVID numbers donā€™t get worse through November.


Who knows but it seems odd they would target vaccines as their own interests are intermingled.

Thereā€™s a video of penn jilette out there claiming that while doing the apprentice, he listened to trump talk for hours and hours every week and never once heard him laugh sincerely, or mention any music that he likes.


Iā€™ve been thinking a lot about learning and how important it is to get constant feedback when learning stuff. Without knowing that you made a mistake itā€™s very hard to learn to not repeat that mistake basically.

What weā€™re all witnessing is something super rare in US politics over the last 30-40 years. Tangible broadly experienced real world feedback on whether someone is good at running the country or not. When your sports ball team has a terrible season the fans of that team HATE the people on that team who they hold responsible for it. Donald is in real danger of being that coach who gets run out of town on a rail after losing a lot of very winnable games en route to the worst season ever. People get venomous af about this kind of thing too.

I think one of the worst things that happened in American politics was the inability to get things doneā€¦ because if things arenā€™t getting done nobody is getting any feedback about whether a policy idea is right or not. Suddenly the only political calculation to be made on policy is how it will sound rather than what will happen when itā€™s executed. Good ideas that are hard to sell die a quick death and bad ideas that are easy to sell become the norm.

We are as bad a case of political constipation as I can think of. I wish I could find the focus to dig through political history to find a parallel. This canā€™t be the only time this has happened.

EDIT: Obviously if you are an oligarch you can get things done in Washington lol.


I think Iā€™ve seen that.

Itā€™s so weird. If he ever smiles or laughs (the latter is basically never), itā€™s always either a) completely fake/forced, or b) because heā€™s a fiend.

I also canā€™t imagine him loving a pet. Aside from Mike Pence.


He must have missed it: Blah blah blah, blah blah. Blah blah, You Canā€™t Always Get What You Want, blah. Blah, blah, blah fired.

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7000 is still a large gathering. Somebodyā€™ll get it, and then we can start calling the RNC lady ā€˜Rona McDaniel.

  1. Being the first to develop a vaccine has huge strategic advantages. You can give it to your friends, withhold it from your enemies, and make a ton of money along the way.

  2. Putin may feel like prolonging the Covid pandemic in other countries (especially the US) is better for Russia than stamping it out domestically. The more the US and Europe are focused on Covid, the less they will mess with Russian expansionism. And the more the US looks like a basket case, the less credibility the idea of liberal democracy has around the globe.

  3. Just like messing with power grids and voting systems, even if you donā€™t do anything nefarious after youā€™ve gained access, it can be useful to make other countries aware that you have the capability to wreck them if you wanted to.


That makes sense.

That Republican politicians will turn on trump? In what way do you think they will turn on him?

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This is a really sexist joke that shouldnā€™t be posted on this forum.


Getting kids back to school is really about getting the bipedal worker drone parents back to prioritizing corporate profits above everything else.


I agree. I dont make the good name of Hope Hicks a priority cause but cā€™mon man.

Itā€™s pointing out the hypocrisy of the GOP.

All the same, please do not make posts like this and consider editing the original.

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Iā€™m with @clovis8 on this one. Itā€™s not hard to discuss Republican hypocrisy without using the language of slut shaming.

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Itā€™s slut shaming. Hope hicks is an awful human but not because she has had (gasp) three boyfriends.