The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Unconstitutional Slop


I’m going to nit it up here and say Stone wasn’t pardoned, his sentence was commuted. Pardoned means you essentially admit the crime, while a commuted sentence means you don’t. Stone didn’t want a pardon, he wanted a commutation.

Their constituents didn’t swear an oath to support and defend the Constitution, they did. If the voters don’t like it, they can vote the person out. Making a political decision over doing the right thing means you don’t belong in Congress swearing an oath to support and defend the Constitution. There are A LOT of people on both sides of the aisle who follow that calculation you described and do not, I repeat, do not belong in Congress. I would never listen to a constituent’s opinion on impeachment…sorry. That’s my oath not theirs.

One of the more unhinged DUMP rants ongoing currently in Rose garden. About 25 min in of straight up attacking Biden’s agenda.

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There are probably dozens of things Trump has done that constitute high crimes and misdemeanors at this point. Barr, too.

Oh I know. I just think it’s silly to impeach him over Stone. All it will do is distract from what’s going on in the country.

Yeah, this is pretty amazing, even for him. He’s like a beatnik poet in a coffee shop.

How now bad Biden?


What is he doing? Just making up random so-called Democratic policies?




LOL. I assume this rant was added to the calendar after he watched Biden on every channel today and threw a tantrum?

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He’s getting no coverage except on FOX and OAN.

He’s taking Questions…

Hopefully some reporter asks if he’s giving Ivanka trademarks with China back.

First question is like “are you worried you may be an underdog in the election?”. LOL press.

Thankfully I have a Pork Chop in the frying pan, putting it on the plate after this post to chew at while this ■■■■ spouts BS.

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I work at the Post Office. The new Post Master General(Trump lackey) has implemented some pretty wild changes that are just now taking effect. In a lot of places rather than work into overtime you just bring the mail back and it doesn’t get delivered, any mail that arrives late from the plant is left for the next day. Without going into detail it’s some pretty wild stuff. In the office where I work we’re still delivering it all but I’ve seen many places where it’s already piling up. A lot of people think this is self sabotage to privatize and/or create havoc for mail in ballots.


Some of his capitalisation seems to have creeped into your posts. :grin:

Are you feeling the orange glow?

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Lol, gonna be buckets of fun when the swing vote on the court is Gorsuch.

It isn’t Trump, it’s the GOP, and they’ve been doing it for decades. States purge hundreds of thousands of voters (most from reliably Dem areas) just before elections. They close down voting centers in minority areas so there are hours-long lines. This is consistent and well-documented.

If you’re arguing against Trump as the mastermind of nationwide plots, you’re not arguing against what anybody here is saying.


Part of my point was that this type of stuff is already baked in and shows up in standard voter models, and thus the polls already assume some amount of ratfucking. They may do it with more gusto this year, and I’m worried about lower voter registration due to covid. Then again, more unemployed may mean higer turnout and some Trump morons may refuse to vote by mail.