The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Unconstitutional Slop

I’d be willing to compromise with Barr’s impeachment.

Why in god’s name would you impeach him. Were crushing and the last time we did his approval ratings hit an all time high lol.


November 2016 should have been seen by the GOP as an all hands on deck emergency. To some it was. Paul Ryan didn’t throw in the towel on a lark.

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Yeah, pre Covid I could see the argument for persistent impeachment for all his obvious crimes and forcing all the Republican cowards to own their indefensible protection of Donnie Dumb Dumb. But right now just allowing Trump and his army of imbecile surrogates to fumble the Covid ball over and over is even more powerful. Covid is going to get worse in the fall and Trump’s “The Buck Stops Somewhere Else” act will wear thin as the bodies pile up and kids start getting sick after being forced back to school.

Honestly, a Barr impeachment would probably be even more clear-cut.

Well, that lasted a week.

Impeach if you must I guess, but it’ll never work while the GOP decides removal and it’ll only help Trump when the dems lose in the Senate. That goes for Barr as well as Trump.

Schiff and Nadler must be pretty bored by now.

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People want Congress to actually do something and not fling shit across the aisle. I’m no political consultant, but my play would be to push bill after bill of corona virus relief and economic aid, and force the GOP to keep blocking and vote against it. Just ram this shit down their throat day after day. Then I would shout it from the rooftops. “Look at all this populist shit we keep trying to do for you. Demand your cockstain of a congressman actually support this.”


The slow drip of information around impeachment and crimes did a lot to desensitize people to it all. I’m not sure how feasible it is, but if you are investigating presidential crimes, do it in closed door meetings. Don’t leak any details to the press. Then when you have it all compiled, blast it out on primetime TV. Take a fucking PR class from these big companies that know how to market a product.

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The election will be decided by then.

Like, I just don’t see how it ever helps a candidate to have to have to juggle an impeachment while on the campaign trail. No way Trump is going to be able to stay on any kind of a message when he’s whining about Bill Bar PRESIDENTIAL HARASSMENT WITCH HUNT.

I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if the Republicans go after Hunter Biden in October.

First Mueller, now one of his prosecutors.

If there was nothing nefarious about his coordination efforts, why did he lie about them to Congress?


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hell yeah, we got him! Neal Katyal says so:

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I think the eDems are scared that something might actually pass that helps regular people and their overlords, sorry I mean donors, will end them.

Or that if covid-19 fades away it increases the odds of Trump being elected.

Impeachment part 2 is a horrible idea. We’ve seen this movie. Let COVID and LAW & ORDER do their work. Biden is still a fragile candidate. If this was normal times, safe bet that he’s way behind. Let’s hunker down and stay healthy so we can help get out the vote and end this nightmare reality, or at least get USA#1 a stay of execution.



Just the fucking dumbest response possible every time.


I work at Wayfair. If you want to know the inside scoop, our company used to pull employee names from the database to make white label products (lol I know). Apparently some of our employees share names with other people, including those in vulnerable positions. We also have products that are extremely overpriced, as does any other middleman e-commerce seller with an open market. Thus this happens I guess. Don’t hurt me qanon, I’m just a data guy


Not a good look to have a child trafficker on our site imo