The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Unconstitutional Slop

As long as there’s no malarkey.


The tide of reality from afar looks more like a flood of fascism.


We are 5 years into the Trump debacle and here is the list of meaningful things Dem politicians have done:


When asked about there being no legal order for the execution AG Bill Barr said “FUCK YOU! How’s that for an order?”

No crazy signature like his father. He needs to work on that.

Freeze Peach is dead in the Conway household.


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I absolutely respect your perspective on this and it is a very valid viewpoint. Having said that I do not feel like I need to be apologetic for doubting the reliability of America’s political system governance controls in 2020.

What can they do?

He’s right though. The election being rigged is a bunch of bullshit. If elections could be rigged easily, all the post 2016 elections would have gone to the GOP.

It doesn’t have to be systemic across 50 different voting systems. It has to be a handful of crucial states. And it will mostly be the same voter suppression tools they’ve used in the past, but they will ramp it up by using the pandemic to shut down urban polling locations.


I think there’s room between “rigged easily” and “totally fair elections”.

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How dare you post something here that someone posted somewhere else

Impeach him during an election season.

Absolutely not. That plays into Trump’s hands. It will distract from the virus, housing disaster, and economic ruin.


Which is why we need high voter turnout.

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I appreciate that. An idea underlying my post is that some assertions are essentially irrefutable but also seemingly false. Trump really is the master of the empty claim, and he only slips up when he makes a verifiable claim, which is rare.

While my post referenced your claim (even if he loses by raw vote, the election will be rigged), I have been bugged lately noticing assertions in many contexts that “end debate” with with seemingly contentful assertions that aren’t really such.

I think such assertions have been characterized as “thought terminating cliches”, in that they have the form of an explanation but have only pseudo-explanatory power and are inherently or at least not readily testable. Now, the election may be rigged and we may all be doomed and the billionaires may be controlling things and cancel cultural may be out of control and the DNC may be rigging primaries and the deep state may be running the show, but such claims seem more to assert matters of faith or to explain the speakers discomfit than to reveal something substantive about reality.


Aren’t you also the guy beating the drum that Dems need to sell a positive message and not just bloviate about how bad Trump is?

He is large, he contains multitudes.


He is impeached (in the house).

Absolutely. There’s no reason Biden can’t hit the campaign trail (where has he been, btw?) talking about how he’s going to fix shit while Congressional Dems go through an impeachment.

Impeach him again. Make Susan Collins and all the “moderate” Republicans keep having to go on the record defending his abuses of office over and over.