The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Unconstitutional Slop

My posts are filled w typos and grammatical errors.

I don’t ever capitalize “media”.

I’m not the president.

This is a fair take. My wife is Polish and her family are dismayed at what is going on. I’ve not discussed the Church angle, as they are kind of “soft” Catholics (in that they go to Church but aren’t strict and I’m 75% confident my wife knows it’s a bunch of b/s), but I’ve heard many similar reports of the Church supporting Duda and stifling any dissenting views as much as they can.

I’m in the UK and Daniel Hannan is a friend and supporter of Duda, which says everything as Hannan is rotten to the core.

Former when I lived in Scotland.

Most people in the Czech Republic hate Russia to some extent. Asked Polish girl what comedy is in Poland and a theme is stereotypes of Russians.

And yeah the amount of bigotry east of the Iron Curtain can be pretty jarring to an American who thinks that their country is super bigoted.

Radical Left Do Nothing Democrat
Radical Left Do Nothing Democrat
Radical Left Do Nothing Democrat
Radical Left Do Nothing Democrat
Radical Left Do Nothing Democrat

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Has he really not bragged about the federal government executing someone for the first time in nearly two decades, or did I miss it?

It’s a top 5 achievement of his administration! Working hard!

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At this time if day he is usually “busy” watching Fox and rage tweeting. Has Fox mentioned this yet? Expect a Trump tweet about STRENGTH five minutes after Fox talks about it.

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He seems pretty shook by a group of people who are doing nothing


People that do nothing are his main competitors DUCY?

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To be fair, given the grammar maybe he is talking about a specific Democrat.


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I love that AOC is both a ignorant dullard who knows nothing and a mastermind villain at the same time. Tucker referred to Pelosi as “speaker in name only” and went to imply that AOC is the puppet master behind the scenes. I would lol except I know a lot of people who hold both of these thoughts in their head without any conflict. I call them droolers.

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People want things to be simple… and honestly our entire culture has conned them into thinking that they are.

Watch any movie/tv show or whatever… there’s some big bad evil dude in the background pulling literally all the strings. People have watched thousands of hours of material where the whole goal of the protagonists is to find/destroy the mastermind.

That same entertainment generally features villains who are simultaneously vastly more competent than anyone is in real life AND operating with nearly pure evil motives… and heroes who are impossibly gifted/lucky.

So what does all of that do? It gives people the idea that they will be rescued by pure heroes fueled by truth, justice, and the American way who will break the rules to beat a corrupt system from pure evil villains who are also very clearly super human.

Meanwhile in real life everyone is playing the game for themselves, has huge blind spots, and thinks they are the main character. Conspiracies IRL are like 4-5 people and most of them fail because secrecy breaks down. Getting 4 people to keep their mouths shut 24/7 for years at a time requires a huge amount of discipline and is incredibly rare.

Every time you see a bunch of the rich/powerful all doing the same thing it’s not (direct) collusion it’s just a flock of birds flying in formation because it’s the best thing for each one individually.


Trump doesn’t seem too happy in his job. Just sayin’


Oh man I have a co-worker who jumped into this one with both feet and wow. Her social media went from sort of fun and quirky to full on batshit insane in the blink of an eye.

The right has this weird fixation on child predators and sex trafficking. Not that these aren’t serious problems, but I think they want to see themselves as the heroes in their stories, and since this is considered a universal evil, by fighting it they can cultivate that image. They can’t use Nazis or white supremacists, it hits too close to home. They still try with communists, but that just doesn’t pack enough punch anymore. So now they have to project child rape onto their enemies so they can take the moral high ground, and you end up with pizzagate and this Wayfair stuff. With these people half their social media is about standard right-wing tropes, the other half is stories implying the plot of Taken is occuring across US suburbs at a pandemic rate.