The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Unconstitutional Slop

Holding a copy of her book, upside down of course.


Alabama just flipped to blue!

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If 100 voters take steroids, how many vote for trump? All 100 vote . My line would be O/u 82.5 Would yā€™all take over under that # -110?

Man you guys werenā€™t joking about some people going off the deep end with the right wing conspiracy theories. I had a friend, was SUPER cool, that is now posting that he watched several videos of HIllary Clinton and other prominent democrats murdering children and like 5 people agreeing and calling anyone who disagrees blind sheep. Big yikes.

Itā€™s scary. Otherwise good and potentially intelligent people get quickly sucked in to the right wing conspiracy black hole. Iā€™m currently watching one of the nicest ladies I know go from totally nonpolitical to a full on racist/vote out every dem/trump is god shit poster in the span of a month.

How else do you reconcile the fact that the undisputed greatest #1 country ever is such a shitshow where everyone but the mega-rich is miserable? Gotta resolve that dissonance somehow especially if youā€™re too smart to not think about it. Either there are fundamental flaws in the american system (not possible) or there must be some shadowy conspiracy intentionally ruining things for [reason].


Conspiracy theories are very convenient. They offer relatively simple explanations for complex phenomena.


A lot of it is simply that the right is perfectly happy to use the internet to itā€™s full capability, that is to say as a brainwashing tool. Like, if you are old like me you can remember a time in the dark ages of the 1980s and 1990s where cartoons would have plots where evil villains would brainwash the public by hypnotizing them with flashing repetition of images and sounds. Advertisers and fascists have jumped all over the opportunity to implement these dystopian nightmares using the internet. The establishment left still think the internet is for hosting links to PDF copies of research papers.


Duda connected himself closely to the Catholic Church and the priests basically act as his propagandists. Itā€™s what Putin did with the Russian Orthodox Church.

At least thatā€™s from my former flatmate. Heā€™s pretty centrist but gets heated talking about PiS.

Is Kanye West on this ballot?

Legally no.

Iā€™m always down for some 911 talk or Epstein being Mossad theoriy but is Hillary killing 5 kids a conspiracy theory or a potential medical condition?

She can get away w 5 children murders but not beat trump w an 18 point lead? Iā€™m calling BS

U donā€™t think the left tries to brainwash too? Question, did trump tell the rejects what to think or did trump see a bunch of under represented rejects and Lol capitalize and cater to them.

911 truthers are as dumb as pizzagate people.


PizzaGate: ā€œIā€™m as crazy as can be.ā€

WayFairGate: ā€œHold my keg.ā€


In the US? No, that is not really part of the dynamic in 2020. In contemporary America the ā€œleftā€ is really the center, the most powerful people on the left are the types that look down their noses at crass mass market messaging, and they are more interested in negotiating against themselves to prove how reasonable and superior they are to the low brow agitators.


I had to google wayfairgate. I wish I hadnā€™t. People are so stupid.

Did Wayfare get hacked or conspiracies aside , they actually have throw pillows for under 20k?
( twitter | raw text )

Your flatmate is a pole? Duda and that whole party are pretty homophobic, sexist, antisemitic etc. They do hate Putin though. And yes my parents love him for his support of the Catholic church most of all. I canā€™t think of a European/Western country (apart from LOLUSA) where religion, or at least hypocritical religious pursuits, play such a significant role. In Poland praising the role of the church in peopleā€™s lives is like saluting the troops in the USA - guaranteed crowd pleaser.