The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Unconstitutional Slop

The villages has less trump signs than my area. Two new ones every week.

On the plus side, their votes are completely irrelevant
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I think it’s been two weeks, but I’ve been slammed. Anyone check out Trump’s health care plan?


lol woohoo Biden has the support of every GOP “luminary” for the past 30 years


Yeah bro. Its far better than Obamacare and cheaper too. I’ll spare you the details. But its got pre-existing conditions and stuff.


6, 7, some people are even saying 8 new justices are on the line this election

The suburbs are, by definition, not in the city, you ignorant asshat

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I voted what I intend to do once I move and have a little yard. I’m thinking a Biden sign and a BLM sign.

The one good thing about Trump is he let us all know what it’s like for a nuclear physicist to try to discuss high-level concepts in their field with a first grader. Except we are normal people and we’re just trying to get Trump to acknowledge basic facts.




Imagine if Dems became the party of bodybuilders.

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Yes, indeed we should add 6 completely new justices


i am legitimately so perplexed with this.

like what could possibly have motivated 3 adults to register to vote for donald trump at this time

It’s probably just bullshit anyways.


Interestingly enough I think you’ve pretty much pegged it. As the GOP loses viability as a second party something will have to replace them. Obviously the status quo will find representation somewhere, and the eDems are with a few fixes willing to accommodate them.

Seriously though about the GOP. If they were going to implode as a relevant political party I’m pretty sure this is what it would look/feel/sound/smell/taste like. Like zoom way out and look at what their convention is going to be next week. Look at the actual real world impact their rule has had on the country over the last 20 years. Look at the demographic wave cresting and rising toward them?

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but some of the people on this board are going to be considered conservative in 2030. That will be because all of the positions to the right of them will have gone the way of Catharism. There will be new arguments about new topics. I think the thing I’m looking the most forward to is the intellectual extinction of Objectivism. I’ll be an old man, but I might just see it.

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This is the only thing really giving me hope, especially since I’m not an old like most of you. But I also think its really close whether this happens or fascism happens and it’s all riding on the next two elections.

If Biden wins, and we win the senate, and we blow up the filibuster and get some good shit done I think we’re in a good position for the GOP as a viable national party to go bye bye in like 30 years and be replaced by Edems. I think after two back to back elections with democratic rule, demographics will change enough that it will be very hard for Republicans to win on the national level without a lot of change or democrats just completely fucking up again, which is possible, but I think the progressive party is strong enough now to keep them honest and moving forward. Like I think if Obama had to worry about 30% of the party pushing for more progressive policies and action he would have moved to the left a ton. Thats what we got now and it’ll only keep growing.

But its basically a coinflip between that and one party rule for the Republicans for the next 30+ years, maybe longer.

Ban for abusive language.


The possibility of either party consolidating power to implement one party rule is exceedingly unlikely unless Trump wins. For starters the Ds should plan on losing the election after passing M4A or a large Obamacare expansion. Doing a good job with health care would be worth losing an election, it’s just a fact.

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