The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Unconstitutional Slop
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Candace Owens LLC poll.

Q1: is Sleepy Joe Biden totally I’ll-equipped to control the Radical Left, Crime, Cancel Culture, or to even come close to Trump on REBUILDING THE ECONOMY?

[ ] Absolutely
[ ] YES
[ ] Trump so handsome wearing mask
[ ] Not sure, but while I think about it count me as a yes


Are your dogs ready for the Corona Virus like El Guapo?



I know I was agreeing with you and that post was directing at goofy lol.

I mean I even hearted your post!

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I see Jason Miller still around. Having an affair with a stripper, knocking her up, then (unbeknownst to her) terminating her pregnancy by slipping her an abortion pill in a smoothie, well, we all make mistakes right #MAGA friends?! Welcome back!

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Was this a thing?

Cite or ban
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Yes. And I guess I hadn’t heard that he (of course) lost his suit about the publication:

Small dogs are elite. My girl is 15 years old and still going strong as hell.


That makes sense. All encompassing WiFi databases are used to help with geolocation. Do if they were able to get a snap shot of what WiFi connections were around you it is highly likely to not only tell them where you are but with pretty high precision.

That being said apps and programs having access to your WiFi modem and the data it captures is weird and definitely a privacy violation. There is no way people should want random apps to have that access for a number of reasons. While I could see poker sites requiring an opt in, I doubt they are doing that yet.

Just sounds like they are exploiting a privacy leak.

Best reply to this was a form of:

Sir, this is Twitter, not Grindr.

I can understand the appeal of having a dog that is just bred down to the bare dogness and takes up as little space, eats as little food as possible and makes tiny poops. After all, we have dogs to love and to give love to us. Still, I prefer a real dog.


Speaking of VPNs, couldn’t somebody have a buddy in NJ or wherever set up a computer to remote into from somewhere else? Use the computer in Jersey to connect to poker site, use TeamViewer or whatever to remote in to the computer?

Trying hard not to kink-shame.

Why not both? I can’t have a dog but until recently I was dogsitting two German Shepherds and a Papillon. Dogs are a lot of company. It didn’t take long to get attached.

One of the Shepherds is dumb as a rock, powerful as hell, and highly territorial. Pushed me out of the way like a toddler when I opened the door a crack for a delivery. I won’t make that mistake again. The other Shepherd is old and dgaf about much except when it’s time to go out in the back yard. The Papillon doesn’t mind at all but then all you have to do is pick his ass up to keep him out of trouble.

The standard “Top 10 Smartest” dogs list always perplexes me. Weigh too much value given to human like personality traits and not enough to utility. Cant see how Aussies dont ever make the top 10.


One thing I was thinking about the Trump era. How would the Reagan presidency fare in the modern social media environment?

Imagining conversations on this board during the Reagan presidency. You wouldn’t have the crushing weight of the debt underscoring everything but there was a lot to chew on during his time.