The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Unconstitutional Slop

He voted to convict. That’s something.

Edit; my pony also voted to convict.


Pretty sure writing unproven allegations in a memo is not a crime (yet) or A.G. Barr would be in jail. You are saved by your inability to write, sir.

WAIT! Hold the presses! I just found additional documents that say Flynn was and us lying!

Sorry latest documents win.

The Senate voted to acquit your pony


Guys, guys. I have here in my hands a report indicating that Republicans are FED UP

Edit sorry really fed up


Stone Doesn’t Roll, Gathers No Tawse.


yeahhh be fed up all you want but while your base is somehow 91% approval of this guy you are all fucked unless your name is Pierre Delecto.

My plan is to set in motions a move to Canada to get as close as I can to pulling the trigger without committing, and if Trump wins or manages to stay in office after losing, I sleep on it a couple nights and pull the trigger if I still feel that it’s warranted. It would be a massive move for me, because I don’t expect any of my family to go, and I’d be giving up a significant income here for my age to be a guy with a college degree in a mostly useless field with a 6-year resume gap.

I just don’t see how Trump in office past January 20, 2021 doesn’t lead to an absurdly dark timeline.

If we weren’t mid-pandemic, my plan would be to be a homeless traveler for a year or two and then figure it out from there.

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They don’t have poker in Canada?

They do in the Yukon


I looked into what it would take for Canada for funzies awhile back. One of the first steps is taking an English test, for which I would have to go to Houston. Annoying.

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My understanding is that live poker has an obscene rake that makes it unplayabale, and online poker is going to be way tougher than here in good ol’ USA#1, cutting my earnings a shit-ton.

Also I don’t think I can get Express Entry there as a poker pro.

How is online poker going to be tougher? I can’t think of any problems a VPN can’t solve.

Obviously you get in however you get in. But once you’re in, they can’t stop you from grinding as long as you’re meeting all the other conditions of entry.

The player pool outside the US is supposedly way tougher.

As far as I know, the only way to legally get in quickly and get into the system for the social safety net is Express Entry, which requires you to meet certain requirements for job skills. I guess I could get in on that, never seek a job, and pay taxes and it might be okay. I’d have to look into whether you can qualify for healthcare and such if you never get a job and stay self-employed.

Still loops me back to whether or not I can make a comfortable living playing online against a Rest of the World player pool, and moving without knowing that is a huge risk.


My buddy won a bad beat jackpot hand when I was at the table with him playing 4/8 LHE I think. Other player didn’t quite know what was happening but called down with JJ on an AAAxx board, which I think was the minimum hand at the time. She got 16K while her fiancee was in the bathroom, buddy got 8K, I think I got 1K out of it.


Why doesn’t the VPN solve this problem?

I don’t think there are any US facing sites that don’t also accept Canadians, aside from the state-limited regulated ones.

He’s not at 91 in the more recent polling.

IIRC fossilkid did the poker pro thing in Canada for a while, if you’re really serious, you may consider hitting him up for some advice.

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